
发布 2020-04-11 05:16:28 阅读 7104

一、 写英语单词(9分)





1、p_ _tcard(明信片) 2、m _ n(男人们)

3、t _ p(顶部) 4、comp _ ter(电脑)

5、r_ _ht(右边) 6、shopp_ _shop的过去式)

7、qu_ _tly(安静地) 8、c_ _ner(角落)

9、g_ _t(礼物) 10、bo_ _om(底部)


1、picture(同义词2、do (过去式。







a、what time is it ? b、what day is it ?

c、what is it ? d、how old is it ?


a、what is a stamp ? b、how much is a stamp?

c、where is the stamp ? d、how is the stamp?


a、is it sunny in minle now ? b、what’s the weather in minle now ?

c、how is the weather in minle now?

d、is the weather bad in minle now ?


a、excuse me ,where is the post office?

b、do you know what the post office is ?

c、tell me where the post office is ?

d、come on ! where is the post office ?


a、i take a picture for you . b、let me take a picture

c、may i take your picture ? d、would you like a picture ?


1、are what now dong you (?

2、can tea their drink jenny and liming (!

3、kites flying men some see i (!

4、h**e i canada in a friend (.

5、sundays on to go i library (.

6、picture yesterday a at looked (.


一栏二栏。 )1、jenny’s mother a、向窗外看。

)2、arrive in beijing b、珍妮的妈妈。

)3、look out the window c、写明信片。

)4、play cards with friends d、到达北京。

)5、sit down beside jenny e、和朋友一起玩牌。

)6、write a postcard f、在珍妮旁边坐下。

)7、fly a kite g、在下午。

)8、in the afternoon h、放风筝。


1、can you find the children playing cards

2、he takes a cab to his hotel

3、i see some people sitting quictly under a lamp

4、i want to 照一张相。

5、let’s 朝里看 the window


1、i can see some people on the square.(对划线部分提问)

2、may father is a teacher .(改为一般疑问句)

3、can danny fly a kite ?(做否定回答)

4、the gril is singing a song .(对划线部分提问)

5、i can help you .(改为一般疑问句)

6、flying a kite isn’t easy (改为同义句)


)1、would you like __to the park ?

a、go b、going c、to go d、went

)2、there __a pen and two books on the desk .

a、is b、are c、was d、were

)3、the students are __games in the classroon .

a、play b、playing c、to play d、dong

)4、we __to tian’an men square yesterday .

a、go b、going c、went d、walk

)5、i’m __good friend .

a、you b、your c、yours d、you’s

)6、the car __is than the bike .

a、fast b、faster c、very faster d、too fast

)7、i like __to wangfujing to buy gifts .

a、go b、goes c、going d、went


1、would you likesome ) tea ?

2、look! there __be) a pen on the desk .

3、this man is __liming ) father .

4、the girl is __sing) a song now .


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