
发布 2020-04-11 05:21:28 阅读 1967



listening part (40 points)

.listen and put a tick(√)or a cross(x).(10points)

.listen and choose the correct words.(10 points)

) glasses b. classes c. grass

south b. north c. west

country b. cousin c. couch

) capital b. canada c. canberra

gray b. green c. grade

.listen and choose what you hear. (10 points)

( )map of the map of the

( )s flag 's flag

( )bus driver car driver

( )to school home

( )like different

.listen and number.(10 points)

( )he is ten years old.

( )this is my friend.

( )he is from australia.

( )how old is he?

( )where is he from?

writing part(60 points)

.look at the pictures and complete the words.(9 points)

a map of world

n_ _th ② w_st ③ s_ _th ④ st ⑤ chin_

⑥_ anada ⑦ the _.s. ⑧a_strali_ ⑨the u._.

.look at the family tree and write the words.(6 points)

.write the words.(5 points)




.choose the correct answers and complete the sentences.(10 points)

as in up than too with on or of inside

is a picture __jenny's family.

is younger __jenny.

goes to work __her bicycle.

like to play __my dolls.

ming likes to go for a walk. i like to go for a walk, _

li ming older __younger than his grandfather?

points __on a map.

is tian'anmen square. it is __beijing.

s the same colour __the flag.

you see a little flag __australia's flag?

.match.(10 points)

a map of the 用英语。

sing a song首都。

my father's mother英国地图。

the capital city唱歌。

in english奶奶。

.write the sentences arrange the correct order.(10points)

am, than, i,younger, my, mother

a, this, map, is

like, to, checkers, i, play

is, teacher, he, a

speak, we, chinese

.close.(10 points)

is your aunt, joan?

b.__1___is a doctor.

a.__2__does she work?

works in a __3___

__4___she go to work?

__5___to work on her bicycle.

.comprehesion using t(true) or f(false).(10 points)

this is my family. we live in h**e two grandfathers and two grandmothers. i h**e a brother, but i h**e no mother and father h**e two sons:

my brother and me. look! my mother is listening to the radio now.

my father is reading the news*****. my brother and i are playing checkers.

) family lives in china.

) parents h**e two sons.

) h**e a sister but no brother.

) father is reading a book.

) mother isn't listening to the radio.







i. map of the china's flag car driver

to school different

. a:this is my friend.

b:how old is he?

a:he is ten years old.

b:where is he from?

a:he is from australia.

笔试部分:. a

vii. map of the 英国地图。sing a song唱歌 father's mother 奶奶 capital city首都 english 用英语。

x. am younger than my mother.

is a map.

like to play checkers.

is a teacher.

speak chinese.





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