
发布 2020-04-11 05:18:28 阅读 6691






扩写形式 not(缩写。


二。选出下列单词中一种与众不同的一项。(共4分 )

)1. apupil b.students c.people d.*****

)2. acat b.elephant c.uncle d.horse

)3. abus b.door c.car d.train.

)4. adesk b.apple c.pear d.orange


) is my seata. sure. here you are.

) me clean the window. b. fifty-one .

) many cakes can you see? c. i’d like some tea.

) 4. what is in itd. they are in your desk.

) your best friend? e. yes, it is.

) her namef. it’s near door.

) i h**e a lookg. all right.

) that your bedroom? h. her name is amy.

) are my pensi. mike is my best friend.

) would you like for dinner? pencil.


1be) he a good student?

are sixpeople) on the playground.


english book.

open) the door. it’s very cold.


1season do you likei like summer.

2is itten yuan.

3are you fromi’m from xiji.

4. is hehe is my brother.

5is your sweater? -it’s yellow.


) is f**ourite fruit.

a. i b. me c. my d.mine

) don’t likethey’re sour.

a. orange b. oranges c. a orange d.an orange

) english teacher is___university student.

a. a b. an c. the d.miss wang

) do you h**e dinner today?

a. in b. from c. for d. to

) the desk? it’s_ _the fifth floor.

a. in b. on c. under d. for

) 9:30. it’s time __english class.

a. to b. for c. of d. in

) likes dogs, but i don’t like___

a. their b. them c. they d. he

)8. what’s the matter __you?

a. with b. at c. about d. for

)9. _name is tom. he’s a boy.

a. heb. him c. his d. /

) is over. let's gonow.

a. to class b. to home c. home d. school


he play football on the playground?(给出否定回答)

2.i get up at 6:30.(对划线部分提问)

3. miss meng is our new english teacher.(对画线部分提问)

4. it’stimeforenglishclass.(改为同义句)

5.i often play football on tuesday.(改为一般疑问句)

they play on the playground? (给出肯定回答)

7. he likes playing football.(改为否定句)

8. there is a book on the desk.(改为复数)

八。根据短文内容,判断下列各题的正( t )误( f )。共10分)

hello! my name is bob. i am an english boy.

my brother’s name is d**id. he is fourteen. he is a middle school student.

my little sister is nine. her name is ann. ann and i are primary school students.

we are in the same school. we three are all good students in the school.

my father is a worker. my mother is a worker too. they both work hard.

they are good workers. we h**e a very happy family.

)1、there are five people in bob’s family.

)2、bob is a chinese boy.

)3、ann is bob’s brother.

)4、his father is a worker but his mother is a teacher.

)5、they h**e a very happy family.


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