
发布 2020-04-11 05:12:28 阅读 5526



unit 1 this is my daypart a

学习要求:1、 能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:eat breakfast , do morning exercises, h**e english class, play sports, eat dinner.

2、 能够听懂,会说句型:when do you get up / eat breakfast / i usually…at…并能在实际情景中运用。

预习作业:一、 选择恰当的单词或词组填空,完成句子。

usually , at ,on , when , h**e math class

1、 do you get up? at 6:00.

2. igo to bed at 9:30 in the evening.

3、i usually eat breakfast7:00.

4. iat 8:10 in the morning.

5. i h**e music classmonday.


1. go , do , you , when , school , to (?连词成句)

2 . i get up at 7:00 .(就画线部分提问)

3 . i eat dinner on 7:00 in the evening .(改错)

4 . often , at. ,12:00 , up , get , noon , i (.连词成句)

5. when do you go to school ? 根据实情回答)

三、 选择题。

)1. when you sports?

a. do, play b . are , do c . do , eat

( )2. i usually get up 6:30.

a . to b . in c . at

( )3. i go to bed at 10:00 you?

a. what b. what about c . when

( )4. do you do your homework?

at 7:00 in the evening .

a. when b. what c. how

( )5. when do you to school?

a. go b. goes c. going



unit 1 this is my daypart b

学习要求:1、能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:climb mountaits,go shopping , play the piano, visit grandpatents, go hiking.

2、能够听懂,会说句型:what do you do on the weekend ? i usually/often play football.

sometimes i go hiking. 并能在实际情景中运用。

预习作业;一、 根据汉语提示写出单词。

1. i often爬山)。

2. i often购物)。

3. he can弹钢琴)。


5. i often去远足)。


) 1. a. climb b. go c. visit d. piano

2. a. sister b. father c. boy d. uncle

) 3. a. what b. water d. which

4. a. me b. they c. i d. we

5. a. on b. in c. at d. no

四、 选择填空。

) 1. i don’t like apples, .

a. too b. so c. either

2. let watch tv together.

a. us b. is c. /

3. he to school.

a. go b. goes c. going

4. this is weekend timetable.

a.i b. me c. my

5. tell me about your day.

a. me b. we c. i



unit2 my f**ourite seasonpart a

学习要求:1、能够听、说、读、写单词: season, spring, summer, fall, winter.

2、能够听懂,会说并能回答句型:which season do you like best? 并能在实际情景中运用。

预习作业:一、 单词大变脸。

1.cool(反义词2. do(第三人称单数)

3. go(第三人称单数4. sun (形容词)

5 . wind (形容词6. is (复数。

7. too(同音词8. do not (缩写)


)1. season do you like best?

a. which b. what c. how

( )2summer.

a. what colour do you like?

b. what’t your f**ourite season?

c. what’t the weather like today?

3. it’s always and cool in fall.

b. suny c. sunny

4. my f**ourite is fall.

b. season c. food

5. my f**ourite is fish.

a. season b. day c. food


1. is , season , what, f**ourite, your,(?

2. you, which, like, do, best, season,(?

3. like, i, best, winter,(.

4. is,sunny, hot, it, and, summer, in,(.


14 再见了,亲人。课前预习 1 认真读课文,能认识并能正确书写本课的生字及相应的词语。战役 封锁 暂时 硝烟 噩耗 刚强 篮子 雪中送炭 同归于尽 深情厚谊。2 查阅有关抗美援朝的故事等资料,电影 上甘岭 英雄儿女 等,更好地体会中朝人民的深厚友谊。3 通读课文三遍,标段号,难读字注音,不理解的字...


预习作业 第1课 窃读记 1 作者在什么地方读书?在那里读书有什么不便之处?2 课文中有哪些地方是描写人物心理活动的?第2课 小苗与大树的对话 季羡林小时候读的闲书有。第3课 走遍天下书为侣 1 一本你喜爱的书就是也是。2 你喜爱的书就像就像。第4课 我的 长生果 1 长生果 是指。2 莎士比亚说的...


classnamenumber unit1 what s he like?a p2 3 1.p2 3 已听 遍,已读 遍。2.在书中圈出本单元单词表里的新单词,并读5遍。3.英汉互译。努力勤奋的安静的,文静的。politewill 有时候严厉的。体贴慈祥的足球运动员。他长得什么样。4.句型转换。is...