
发布 2023-03-17 20:58:28 阅读 3403

module 1.预习提纲。

unit1 we lived in a small house .

1. listen(听) and cirle (圈出)the words that you don’t know .

2. 单词:




it’s a programme about china.

译:china is changing .

module 1.预习提纲。

unit2 she didn’t h**e a television.

1. tell a story of ‘tadpole’s mummy’(小蝌蚪找妈妈).

(圈)the past words.(读第二部分,圈出动词过去式)4.译:

didn’t h**e a television a radio .

she couldn’t read write .




iscould in the fields ?


cooktalked on the fire ?




module 2预习提纲

unit 1 she learnt english.

1、 在课文中找出下列动词的过去式。

learn __teachwrite __

dance __dois __

2、 读课文,选一选。

lingling ’ s grandma was a __

a. teacher b. dancer c. doctor

where did she dance?

a. in china b. in the uk c. in the us

did she learn any foreign languages?

a. yes, she did.

b. no, she didn’t.

c. we don’t know.

what is lingling’s grandpa doing?

a. he is driving a car.

b. he is dancing.

c. he is learning english.

module 2预习提纲。

unit 2mr li was a teacher.


1、 mr. li was a teacher twenty years ago.

a. what did mr. li do twenty years ago?

b. who was mr. li?

c. what was mr. li doing?

2、mr. li taught chinese.

a. how is mr. li doing?

b. when did mr. li teach chinese?

c. what did mr. li teach?

3、mr. li is learning english.

a. what was mr. li doing?

b. what is mr. li doing?

c. what does mr. li do?


unit 1 she had eggs and sausages.


1)汉堡包2)english food

3)早餐4)h**e sandwiches

5)午餐6)fish and chips

7)一封电子邮件8)traditional dish

2.填空。dear daming,how are you?

i’m very well in london. yesterday i had an english breakfast. i had

) and sausages. i had sandwiches for( )and i had ( for dinner. it’s a traditional english dish.

i like english food. it’s delicious!

unit 2 sam ate four hamburgers. 预习提纲。


1)all the fish

2) at school





1)who ate four hamburgers at school today?

2) who had a sandwich?

3)does amy miss chinese food?

4)what is ms smart going to cook tonight?

5)who wrote this letter to daming?


unit 1 let’s make a home library.


1. 图书馆。

2. 学生。

3. 主意。

4. 重的。

5. 邀请。

6. 错误的。

7. send to

8. a book about science

9. put on

10. 借书卡。


1. who sent these books and cds to them?

2. what are these big books?

3. where are the books about art?

4. what are the books about on the shelf b?\

unit2 we can find information

from books and cds.


1. you can find books about art from a __图书馆)or from a __书店).

2. you can get information from a __书)or from a___光盘).

3. you can see a film from a __电影院)or from a __计算机)

4. you can find the word “happy” in a __字典)。

module 5预习提纲。

unit 1 it’s big and light.


1、what does lingling need?

a. a new bag. b. a new hat. c. a new book.

2、what has the green one got?

a. two wheels. b. two pockets. c. four wheels.

3、which one do they take?

a. the black one. b. the green one. c. the blue one.

module 5预习提纲。

unit 2 it’s too big for you.


1、 the blue t-shirt isbut it’s too___for lingling.

there is a __on the blue t-shirt.

the white t-shirt is __and __

2、 lingling will take thet-shirt.

module 6.预习提纲。

unit1 i went there last year.

1. read part 2 and circle the words that you don’t know.


2. hainan is in theof china .

xinjiang is in theof china.

3. find friends.






module 6.预习提纲。

unit2 she visited the tianchi lake.

1. read the chant together,and review the words of direction.(读第一部分,回顾方位词)

2. read part2 and describe the photos.


3. 画出动词过去式及不会的单词。

v过v原。module 7.预习提纲。

unit1 my father goes to work at eight o’clock.

1. 复述整点和半点的表达方法。

2. 回顾已知的职业类单词:

part 2 and circle the words that you don’t know.


第一单元简易方程。第一课时方程的意义。1.仔细观察课本例1和例2的图,你会用式子表示出天平两边物体质量的大小关系吗?填在课本上。2.上面的式子中哪些是等式?哪些是含有未知数的等式?完成下图。3.像这样含有 的 是方程。4 你能写出几个等式和方程吗?请写在下面的横线上。等式 方程 5.仔细观查上面的等...


1 草原。一 有感情地朗读课文,背诵课文 自然段。二 解释词语。一碧千里 洒脱 三 这篇文章按照顺序,通过作者第一次访问内蒙古大草原时的所见描写了草原美,赞美了草原人民美。四 默读课文,思考 1 作者是怎样把景物写得这么美的?我能用红色笔画出最喜欢的句子,用蓝笔批注自己的感受。2 作者写了哪些草原哪...


小学数学五年级下册预习提纲第一单元认识正 负数。信息窗1 预习提纲。看一看默读教材第2页 4页。读一读 1 朗读教材第2页 4页。2 读一读例题,要求能够非常流利地朗读出来 1 零上13 与零下3 是什么意思?怎么表示?2 比海平面低155米是什么意思?怎样表示?3 3 与 10 那个温度低?想一想...