
发布 2020-04-11 05:40:28 阅读 7250


be back from…从…回来。

last sunday上周日。

live in london住在伦敦。



wait for+代词宾格等着某人。



sam and amy’s friend萨姆和艾米的朋友。

go to the supermarket去超市。

shopping list购物单。

the first thing第一件东西。

how many +可数名词复数。

how much +不可数名词 cheese奶酪。

half a kilo半公斤 one kilo of noodles一千克面条。

juice果汁 need需要。

we visited lots of places.我们参观了许多地方。

at the weekend在周末。

british museum大英博物馆。

london eye伦敦眼。

big ben大笨钟 a big wheel一个大轮子。

wonderful非常好 i don’t understand.我不明白。

we sent you a postcard.我给你发送了一张明信片。

she likedthe bus ride best.她最喜欢乘坐公共汽车了。

he went to the great wall去长城了。

at the weekend在周末。

it’ svery old and very long.它非常古老也非常长。

at ten o’clock在十点钟。

went there by bus乘公共汽车去的那儿。

walked for an hour走了一个小时的路。

lots of people许多人。

took photos of the mountains给大山照相了。

took a photo of his father给他的爸爸照了一张相。

in the sky在天空中 yours你的 mine我的 his他的 hers她的 its它的theirs他们的 what’s the matter with you ?你怎么了?

want to +动词原形想干某事。

don’t argue.不要争吵。

wash clothes洗衣服 washed them for you给你们洗了它们。

clean干净的 dirty脏的。

whose bag谁的书包 give out分发 give sth. to sb.把某物给某人。

give one pencil to every child给每个孩子一支铅笔。

enough pencils足够的铅笔。

there are/there is有。


only仅仅 give them out把它们分发下去。

too many太多的 too much太多的 enough time足够的时间 forget忘记。

do you want to be in our football team?你想加入我们的足球队吗?

i don’t playgood.(×

i don’t playwell(√)

can you run fast?=can you run quickly?你能跑地快吗?


i play verybadly.我打的非常糟。be good at…擅长…

i can’t play it at all.我根本不会打。


seashell贝壳 seashore海边 programme节目

a programme about dogs一个关于狗的节目。

use---useful blind盲的 deaf聋的

can’t see不能看见 can’t hear不能听见 meyou him her us them

fireman消防员 find发现,找到 sausage香肠。

do you like to come to school with us ?你想跟我一块来学校吗?

what time does school start?学校几点开始(上课)?

walk to school走着去学校。

our house is near the school.=our house is not far from the school.


do morning exercises做早操。

play in theplayground在操场上玩。

before nine o’clock在9点钟之前t

he bell rang at 9 o’clock.铃在9点钟响的。

we went to the classroom.我们走进了学校。

theatre剧院 feel sad感到伤心。

are you feeling sad?你感到难过吗?

feel bored感到厌烦。

are you feeling bored?你感到心烦吗?

feel angry感到生气。

are you feeling angry?你感到生气吗?

what’s the matter?怎么了?

what are you thinking about?你正在想什么?

secret秘密 surprise令人惊奇的。

nothing没什么 tired劳累的t

rousers裤子 bridge桥。

you shouldn’t walk in the road.你不应该在马路上走。

dangerous危险的 cross the road穿越马路。

you should hold my hand.你应该抓住我的手。

say helloto sb.跟某人打招呼。

i’m in a hurry .我有点急事。

manners礼貌,礼节 possession所有物。


share分享 smell闻到 sunshine阳光。

h**e some money有一些钱 wife妻子 husband丈夫。

a piece of一片,一张 a pair of一双 poor贫穷 rich富裕。

twins双胞胎 bedroom卧室notebook笔记本

proudly自豪地 writer作家 still仍然。

life was very different in china many years ago.很多年前在中国的生活是截然不同的。

there weren’t any buses.没有任何公共汽车。

there weren’t any televisions .没有任何电视。

we lived in a small house .我们住在一个小房子里。

we didn’t h**e enough food .我们没有足够的食物。

there are lots of buses and cars now.现在有许多公共汽车和小汽车。

we live in a big house .我们住在一个大房子里。

thank you for talking to us .谢谢你告诉我们(这些)

change---changing变化 quarter一刻钟,15分钟;四分之一。

star明星 superstar超级明星。

why is she wearing theseclothes?为什么她穿着这些衣服?because she was a dancer.因为她是一名舞蹈演员。

she danced in lots of chinese cities.她在中国的许多城市跳过舞。

did she learn any foreign languages?她学过外语吗?study---studies---studied

five years ago,i walked to went toschool on foot.

i h**e got an email from lingling .我收到了一封玲玲写的电子邮件。

it’s a traditional english dinner.它是一个传统的英式晚餐。


eat—ate give—g**e buy—bought

i want to make an e-card for mum.我想制作一个电子卡片为妈妈。

i’m not good at it.我不擅长。

where are the books about computers?关于电脑的书在**?

library图书室 in two weeks’time在两周时间之内。

bring back拿回来 clever聪明。

it’s easywith a computer.用电脑太容易了。

information信息 timetable时间表。

dictionary词典 news*****报纸 broken破了 light轻的 he**y重的pocket口袋 wheel轮子 last year去年 some photos一些**。

of course当然 really真地。

xinjiang is in the west of china.新疆在中国的西部。

i stayed with my grandmother for a week.我和奶奶呆了一周的时间。

hainan is in the south of china.海南在中国的南部。

with跟…一块 remember记起来了 meet—met ride—rode climb—climbed visit—visited

she had a lovely time there .她在那儿玩的很高兴。


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