
发布 2020-03-29 04:04:28 阅读 2710

教学难点: 学生正确理解课文内容并能用英语向他人介绍圣诞节。

四.教学用具:多**课件 、 录音机 、 圣诞帽子、 圣诞树 、 圣诞礼物等物。


1. free talk:

t :hello ! everyone!

how are you ,today?

are you happy now? i am very happy. first, please answer my questions.

--how’s the weather today?

--what’s the date today?

--what season is it now?

& pre-reading


t: today i invite many teachers to our school .you should try your best to learn it.

i also bring many gifts for you .do you know “gift”. if you can listen carefully, think hard and answer my questions.

guess :what holiday is it?

师出示四个节日学习新授单词holidays(课件依次呈现四个节日的**和单词:children’s day, new year’s day, teachers’ day和spring festival.

t: now, class. please look at the pictures. what are they? do you know?

t: they are all holidays. holiday, do you know? can you guess?


t:do you go to school on spring festival?

s:no.t:what do you do on spring festival?

s:we eat dumplings/clean the room/get lucking money/…

t:did you h**e fun on spring festival?


t:on spring festival ,we can do many things. so we can say spring festival is important in china.

t:in western countries, such as the the canada and australia, they h**e an important holiday. do you know what holiday is it?

(引出本课课题christmas is coming!)

设计意图】 :通过竞猜的形式复习了学生之前已经学过的许多节日名称 ,又渗透了本课的重点词汇 holiday,为引本次课所要学习的西方重要节日——圣诞节做好了铺垫。同时激发了学生的阅读文本的兴趣。

step3 while-reading

reading 学生带着问题快速阅读,回答老师提出的问题。


t :what’s the date today?

c : it’s december— —

t :in canada , there is a famous holiday in winter. what

is it? do you know?

t: yes, it’s christmas.

t: look at the picture, this is another holiday. -christmas.

教师利用单词卡片领读并拼读单词christmas) 引导学生自己说出首字母需大写 ,字母 t’ 没有发音等注意事项。

t: today is dec we can say christmas is coming!

教师板书课题lesson 19: christmas is coming.

do you know something about christmas? when is christmas?

c :yes. it’s december 25th .

t :christmas is specia1.whv? because we h**e christmas trees ,christmas lights and santa .

设计意图】: second reading 学生再次仔细阅读课文,回答三个问题:(课件出示三个问题)

1). what’s christmas?

christmas is a western holiday.

2). who is santa?

santa is a merry man in red clothes.

3). why is christmas special?

because we h**e christmas trees, christmas lights and santa on christmas.

4).出示完第三个问题后紧接着学习christmas trees, christmas lights, santa. (课件出示christmas tree, christmas lights, santa, 教师利用单词卡片领读并拼读单词)

t: class . look, what are they? do you know?


t :look! what’s this? (point to the christmas tree .

c :it’s a christmas tree.

t :what colour is the christmas tree ?

c :it’s green .

t :is the christmas tree beautiful?


t:every family has a christmas tree in their house. it’s

usually a pine(松树) .

t :w hat’s on the christmas tree?

t : christmas lights and christmas gifts.(板书、 领读 )

t:where are the christmas lights?

t:they are on our house.(课件出示)

设计意图】 :用真实的实物情景来教学,学生印象深刻 。注意力集中,能保持对英语的学习兴趣, 同时扩展相关的知识。

introduce “ santa”w i t h a picture.

t : look ! who is this?

c : 圣诞老人 。

t : he is santa. (father christmas).

what is he wearing?

c :he is in red hat, red clothes and black boots.

t: do you love santa ? whv?

c :yes. santa brings gifts for us. (板书、 领读 )

t :good! for example :toy cars,toy bikes , sweets, dolls.

he puts the gifts in the stockings.

设计意图】:学生带着问题第二次阅读文本,通过寻找问题的答案,使学生更详尽的理解阅读内容,更深入地了解圣诞节。结合**和上下文,帮助学生了解merry man,in red clothes等词汇和短语的含义,为学生的深层阅读扫清障碍。

3.the third reading 学生借助**阅读课文的第二大部分,然后回答教师提出的问题,回答完后学习“invite, bring,give”的用法。

1).通过比较“ christmas” and “ spring festival”来学习第二部分.

t : christmas is very important in western just like spring

festival i n china.

at christmas,people h**e fun do people celebrate christmas in western countries? what do they do at christmas?


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