
发布 2020-03-21 10:35:28 阅读 5731

unit 1 my school


i. sentences:

1. there’s a hall, a gym···

2. how many classrooms are there?

there are twenty-five classrooms.

3. of course, gogo!

4. i h**e an idea.

ii. words:

a teachers’ office , a library,a playground, a hall,an art room,a music room, a gym ,a classroom;

iii. sounds and words:

[u:] room moon cool classroom school noodles


picture cards 1-8, a teachers’ office , a library,a playground, a hall,an art room,a music room, a gym ,a classroom;

the first period

step 1 review

1. do you know…?

2. how many words do you know?

step 2 vocabulary

getting ready

put picture cards 1-8 on the blackboard.

t: look at the picture cards.

say each word as you hold up the picture cards

t: now listen and repeat. hold up each picture cards.

and say the word. give ss time to repeat.

using the book

t: listen to the disc and repeat. point to each subject as you say it.

play the disc and h**e ss repeat each word.

t: is this an art room? (point to a music room picture card.)

ss: no, it isn’t. it’s a music room.

model if necessary.

repeat with several picture cards.

t: close your books.

t: (hold up various picture cards and repeat.) what is it?

ss: it’s a ….

extension activity

step 3 practice 2

t: what can you see? (s1:a gym```

t: now read the questions.

h**e ss read the questions together.

ask individual ss to answer.

step 4 homework



教学反思:the second period

step 1 review


step 2 target

getting ready

ask for three volunteers.

put the picture cards on the blackboard.

t: what’s in our school? (s1: there’s a ``

is there a library in our school? (s1: yes, there is. /no, there isn’t.)

h**e s1 point to the picture cards.

do the same for s2 and others if time permits.

using the book

h**e ss point to the first picture. model the dialog.

h**e ss point to the second picture. ask two ss to model the dialog.

play the disc and pause after each sentence, allowing ss to repeat.

step 3 chant activities

1) t: let’s listen to the disc first.

play the disc and point to each word as it is chanted. point to the picture cards of a library and a teachers’ office. chant as a whole group again.

2) play the disc one and pause every sentence.

h**e ss fill in blanks in the chant.

step 4 homework



教学反思:the third period

step 1 review


step 2 story

using the book

point to the picture cards of a library.) look at the picture.

t: what’s this?

what’s in it?

play the disc and pause after each sentence to h**e ss repeat.

read out the dialog sentence by sentence.

step 3 practice 1

t: look at a.

t: what’s that on the left? (ss: a classroom.)

t: what’s that on the right? (ss: a library.)

t: let’s listen to the disc.

play the disc for a, then pause.

continue with the rest.

step 4 homework



教学反思:the fourth period

step 1 review

step 2 sounds and words

1) getting ready

write room and moon on the board and underline the spelling –oo.

t: let’s practice this sound .look at my mouth and repeat.

t: /u:/ ss:/u:/

drag out the sound /u:/ so ss hear it clearly.

using the book

h**e ss look at the picture on the page.

t: let’s listen to the disc.

play the disc and h**e ss point to each word as the disc says it.

t: let’s listen again and this time, repeat.

h**e ss repeat after the disc.

after enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and h**e ss say the words.

2) listen and chant

t: let’s listen to the chant.

play the disc once.

t: let’s chant together.

play the disc and h**e ss chant along.

step 3 homework

教学反思:unit 2 our new home


1.认识目标:is there a living room in your new home?

yes, there is. is there a garden? no, there isn’t.

2.能力目标:listen and look


二、教学内容:listen and look





t:(展示一张卧室的**)look. it’s a bedroom. repeat. bedroom.[ss: bedroom.]

用同样新方法呈现单词living room 和dining room.



t:let’s listen to the tape/disc and read the story.要求学生一边听录音一边用手指,课文中的句子。

t: let’s listen again and repeat.



让学生分成四人小组,并安排他们分别扮演dad, gogo, tony, jeny的角色。




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