
发布 2020-03-07 10:52:28 阅读 7602

make your arms short.

二 presention

1 呈现新句型。

**动画听描述猜动物,呈现句型“it has……”听示范,跟读两次。

t:boys and girls,lets play a guessing game,listen;

it has a long nose and a short tail,it has big ears and small the animal?

ss:it’s a/an……

t:very good.

t:it has……(teach: it has……)

t:please listen to the sally and repeat.


继续猜迷,比较**,呈现句型“it’s so big.”“it’s so funny.” 然后听示范并跟读。

t: look at the elephant, it’s so big.

look at the mouse , it’s so small.

look at the monkey, it’s so funny.


s1:it has a long tail and big the animal ?


s1:yes, here you are.

s2:thank you.

2 呈现会话。


t:do you love animals? do you like the zoo?

today, mike and sarah go to the zoo, let’s listen to their dialogue and then answer the following question:“what can you see in the zoo?”

s: …**游戏示范,小组戴上头饰表演会话。

t:look at the screen then act this dialoge out in your groups.

t:your turn,please.


1.let’s chant(把全班学生分成男,女生两大组,配合动作进行歌谣对唱)

look at the elephant. it’s so big!

look at the mouse . it’s so small!

look at the catit’s so short!

look at the monkey, it’s so funny!


t:boys and girls, do you h**e toys?take them your toys in your can do like this;look at the rabbit, it’s short,it has……

t:ok,let’s visit the zoo.


四.课堂评价 (assessment)





板书设计:unit 6 at the zoo

look at the elephant, it’s so big.

look at the mouse , it’s so small.

look at the monkey, it’s so funny.



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