
发布 2020-02-19 07:09:28 阅读 2237


9a unit 3基础训练。

班级姓名。一、根据首字母、中文提示、英文释义或句意写单词1. would you please not打扰) me when i sleep?

2. you h**e no cbut to deal with it.

3. i wanted to give her a handbag, but she didn’t ait.

4. i dwhether it is worth **egetables in qq every day.5.

thank you very much for your vsuggestions.6. it’s my高兴,乐意)to help you.

7. after复习) all his lessons carefully, he got high marks.8.

the boy often承受)from stress. can you help him?

9. do you h**e any交流)with your family members every day?10.

oh, my god! the noise today makes me even m11. do you h**e difficulty dwith the problems?

12. it’s very nice of you to give us so many sadvice)


1. theteenage) are crazy about li yuchun now.

2. i can’t solve the problem. can you offer somesuggest)3.

the advice is of greatto me. it’s veryvalue)4. i h**e no courage to tell you thetrue)5.

though we did our best, we failedcomplete)6. it’s aplease) to work with you.

7. do you know if the programme is worthwatch)

8. father will allow mewatch) tv if i finish my home work.9.

the money isn’t his. he refusesreceive) it.10hand) in homework on time is good.

11. my dream isbe) a football player.12.

i hopehear) from you soon.

13. father promisedgive) me a radio for my birthday.14.

the boy promisesnot be) late for school again.15. my parentsnot allow) me to go out after mr wu tells the studentsnot shout) in class.

17. youknow) the result until you finish reading the story.18.

he stayed theresee) what would happen.20. my uncle always makes melaugh) all day.

17. the boy was letclean) the classroom after school.18.

i hear hersing) by the river every day.19. i heard hersing) when i opened the door.

20. paul knows whotalk) to for help.21.

you should decide whichdo) first.

22. millie doesn’t know whereask) for advice.23.

i’ll get up as early as i cancatch) the early bus.

24. you can’t give upstudy) physics though it is difficult.

25. i don’t know if itrain) tomorrow. if itrain), i’ll stay

at home.

27. his father doesn’t allow himstay) out late.

28. do you think whether it is worthdo) so many times?39.

the whiteswatch) tv when i went to visit them.










)1. he could hardly believe his eyes, _he?

a. didb. didn’tc. couldd. couldn’t.()2. _useful advice it is!

a. howb. whatc.

what ad. what an()3. though i am not good at my lessons, i will never __

a. give it upb. give them upc.

give it ind. give them in()4.–what is your father like?

–hea. likes historyb. is tall and thin

c. likes eating meatd. is 40 years old

)5. she is often seen __under the big tree .

a. danceb. dancingc. to danced. to dancing

)6.–are there any eggs in the fridgelet’s go an buy nothingb. not()7advice it sounds!

a. how usefulb. what useful

c. what a usefuld. how usefully

)8. -who’s there

a. nob. nonec. anyoned. no one

)9. the dictionary is good for __beginners. it is worth___a.

our; buyb. us; buyingc. us; buyd.

our; buying()10. reading gives me __

a. pleaseb. pleasantc. pleasured. pleased


1. they seemed to be very tired after working.(同义句)

___seemed that theyvery tired after working.2. i’ll show you how we can use msn to talk to others.

(同义句)i’ll show youuse msn to talk with others.3. the teacher made her sweep the floor.


she wassweep the floor by the teacher.4. this book is of great value to him.(同义句)

this book ishim.5. getting too many tests and exams is a problem.(同义句)

a problemget too many tests and exams.6. sandy wants to know where she can ask for advice.


sandy wants to knowfor advice.7. millie doesn’t know how to solve her problem.(同义句)

millie doesn’t knowher problem.8. to hand in your homework on time is very important.(同义句)

importanthand in your homework on time.9. it seems that tom’s father has many friends.(同义句)

tom’s fatherlots of friends.10. we found that she was an honest girl.(同义句)

we found










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