
发布 2020-02-19 07:06:28 阅读 7205


班级: 姓名: 分数:

一、 请给下列的**匹配对应的单词,将序号填写在括号里。(10分)

a. mondayb. friday c. tuesday d. wednesday

e. thursday f. sunday g. saturday


) 1. a. saturdayb. sciencec. friday

) mathsb. artc. mondays

) chineseb. englishc. classes

) todayb. tomorrowc. teacher

) homeworkb. read booksc. watch tv


) your brother like?

) your head teacher?

) you like tuesdays?

) do you h**e on tuesdays?

) she miss su?


) 1. 询问今天是星期几,应该说。

a. what day is it today? b. what day it is today?

) 2. 询问周二的课程安排时,应该说。

a. what do you do on tuesdays? b. what do you h**e on tuesdays?

) 3. 介绍完自己后,想了解一下对方,应该说。

a. what about you? b. how are you?

) 4. 询问明天是星期几时,应该说。

a. what’s tomorrow? b. what day is tomorrow?

) 5. 告诉别人自己周六踢足球时,应该说。

a. i play football on sundays. b. i play football on saturdays.

五、读句子,连线配对。 (10分)

1、what do you do on sundaysa. i often play football.

2、who is your best friendb. there are seven.

3、where are you fromc. wang dong.

4、how many days are there in a week? d. i am from shandong.


1.h**e what do on you saturdays (

2.i wash often clothes sundays on my (

3. sunday homework often i on my do (

4. on weekends do often read books you the (

5. music is your who teacher (?


)1. i often watch tvsaturdays.

a. on b. in c. at

)2. i often playfootball on sundays.

a. a b. /c. the

)3. ian english class on mondays.

a. am b. do c. h**e

)4. i dohomework on sundays.

a. i b. me c. my

)5. today is friday, tomorrow is

a .saturday c. sunday

) 6. we h**e computer and music __fridays.

a. at b. on c. ford. by

7where is our science teacher?

a. sorry b. hello c. excuse me d. hi

8. we oftentv on saturday evening.

a. look b. watch c. see d. say

) 9. what does your mother do __weekends?

a. about b. on c. atd. to


1. i often read books in this park . 一般疑问句)

2. do you often play football ? 肯定回答)

3. yes , i often listen to music on sundays . 写出问句)

4. we often play football . 一般疑问句)

h**e english on mondays.. 就划线部分提问)


hello, my name is john. i h**e pe, art and english on tuesdays. it’s my f**ourite day.

i like english. look, that is my english teacher. he’s very kind.

his name is li hai. i often read english storybooks on the weekend. so my english is very good.


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