
发布 2020-02-19 07:05:28 阅读 1669


班级: 姓名家长签字。





1、上学去 go to school2、早上好 good morning!

3、你好吗? how are you ? 4、你叫什么?我叫。what's your name ? i am...

5、你是莉莉,对吗? you are lily ,right ?

6、这是我的妹妹。this is my sister .

7、我的孪生兄弟 my twin brother

8、这是什么? what's it9,我的一张全家福 a photo of my family

10,这位女士是谁? who is this woman ? she is my mother .

11、你多大了? how old are you ? i am twelve .

12、礼貌且乐于助人 be polite and helpful

13、来自 be from...come from

14、让我看一看 let me h**e a look

15、你认识这个男孩吗? do you know this boy ? no ,i don't .

16、四位新同学 four new classmates

17、我所有的新同学 all my new classmates

18、在教室里 in the classroom 19、开门 open the door .

20、关门 close the door . 20、请坐下 sit down ,please .

22、擦窗户 clean the windows23、上学迟到 be late for school

24、不要再迟到了 don't be late again 25、七年级四班 class four ,grade seven

26、在墙上 on the wall27、在讲台上 on the teacher's desk

28、在椅子后面 behind the chairs 29、一间美术室 an art room

30、五个盒子 five boxes 31、一个办公室 an office

32、两百个学生 two hundred students 33、一个漂亮的花园 a beautiful garden

34、在一楼(英国英语) on the ground floor 35、在二楼 on the firt floor

36、一些图书馆 somg libraries37、在小山之间 between the hills

38、在商店旁边 beside the shop 39、在椅子下 under the chair

40、在大门外 in front of the gate41、不要摘花 don't pick the flowers

42、在树上 in the tree 43、在它的左面 on the left of it

44、在右面 on the right45、多么可爱啊!how lovely !

46、在公园的中间 in the middle of the park 47、过来 come here

48、掷骰子 throw the dice 49、错过一次机会 miss a turn

50、不要在湖里游泳 don't swim in the lake . 51、不要喂鸟 don't feed the birds

52、不要爬树 don't climb the tree .

53、高且苗条 tall and slim


1、陈述句的否定句。做题方法:有be 动词,在be 动词后加 not .:有情态动词在情态动词后加not:有实意动词借助于助动词do 再加not


1、i am politei'm not polite .

2、he is a nursehe isn't a nurse .

3、they are happythey aren't happy .

4、lilei can swim in the lakelilei can't swim in the lake .

5、i h**e a photo of my familyi don't h**e a photo of my family .

6、she has some new booksshe doesn't h**e any new books.

说明:本题要借助于助动do 由于主语是第三人称单数,所以用do 的第三人称单数形式does,同时助动词后要用动词原形所以把has 变成h**e;some 用于肯定句中,any用于否定句和疑问句中,所以把some变成any.


1、there are some big desks in the classrooms

2、she is from england

3、he comes from american

4、sally does her homework every day

5、pick the flowers

6、we must do our homework first



1、there are some big desks in the classrooms

2、she is from england

3、he comes from american

4、sally does her homework every day

5、lilei can swim in the lake

6、i h**e a photo of my family

7、she has some new books


1、对人提问用who ,

例如: is my sisiterwho is this ?


例如:it is a photo of my familywhat is it ?


例如:my father is a driverwhat is your father ?

4、对身体状况提问用 how

例如:i am finehow are you ?

5、对年龄提问用 how old

例如:his father is thirty-five years old . how old is his father ?


例如:sammi is in front of the gatewhere is sammi ?

lily comes from americanwhere does lily come from ?


例如:i am in class 4 ,grade 7what class are you in ?


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