新课标PEP小学英语五年级上册期末试题 A B两套

发布 2020-02-05 11:49:28 阅读 3595

一。 听音选句子,将正确的答案填入前面的括号(每小题四颗 ,共20颗)

)1. a. who is your math teacher? b. who is your music teacher?

)2. can you do at home? b. can you do housework?

)3. a. are there any small houses in the village?

b. are there any tall buildings in the city?

) is a mirror on the wall. b. there is a morror in front of the wall

) i usually do morning exercises at 8:30. b. i usually play sports at 3:30.

二。 看图,用框里的短语把句子补充完整(每小题两颗 ,共10颗 )

1. iat 6:30 every morning

2. iat 8:30.

3. i oftenon the weekend.

4. ieveryday.

5. sometimes i

三。 读一读选择正确的答句(每小题四颗 ,共20颗 )

) 1. what can you do?

) that young man?

) is the sofa?

) 4. what do you do on the weekends?

) 5. what would you like for lunch?

小学英语五年级上册英语试题 b

一。 根据所听内容完成句子,并将单词序号填写在括号内。

每小题四颗 ,共20颗 )

)1. my art teacher isa. young b. old

)2. i likeit’s tasty. a. fish b. tofu

) 3. can you the tablea. make b. set

( )4. many clothes are __the closet. a. on

( )often goa. shopping

二。 看图,用框里的短语把句子补充完整(每小题两颗 ,共10颗 )

the bedroom grandparents sports

d. eat dinner e. do homework

1. theyat 4:30 every morning

2. we oftenon the weekend.

3. weat 8:30.

4. sometimes she can

5. ieveryday.

三。 把相应答句的序号填在问句前的括号内。

每小题四颗 ,共20颗 )

) 1. when do you eat breakfast? a. i often visit grandparents.

) 2. is there a bed in the room? b. i like peaches.

) 3. what’s your f**ourite fruit? c. at 7:00.

) 4. can you cook the meals? d. yes, there is.

) 5. what do you do on sundays?

e. no, but i can wash clothes.

小学英语五年级上册英语试题 c

一。 选出听到的单词,序号填写在括号内(每小题四颗 ,共20颗 )

)1. i like sweet b. sour)

)2. our new teachers is very___b. funny)

) do you do

)4. mr hu is___and strong.

)5 . i’ d like some __and mutton.

二。 根据图示完成下列句子(每小题两颗 ,共10颗 )

1. i like s

2. there are two ein the bedroom.

3. is a min your room? yes,there is.

4. this is a tall chow nice!

5. what colour are the cthey are blue.

三。 选择填空,把正确的序号填写在括号内(每小题四颗 ,共20颗 )

) 1. who’s your math teacher

a. she’s t hin and pretty. b. miss li c. she’s kind.

2. where is the picture?

a. yes, it is. b. yes, there is. c. it’s over the bed.

3. is there a tree near the house?

a. yes, there is. b. yes, it is. c. yes, there are.

4. can you use a computer?

a. yes, i can’t. b. no, i can’t. c. yes, i am.

5. what would you like for supper?

a. i’d like green beans. b. i like beefs

c. my f**ourite food is green beans.

小学英语五年级上册英语试题 d

一。 听音把球放在的合适位置 (每小题四颗 ,共20颗 )

二。 选择填空,把正确的序号填写在括号内(每小题四颗 ,共20颗 )

( )1. who’s your math teacher

a. she’s t hin and pretty. b. miss li c. she’s kind.

( )2. where is the picture?

a. yes, it is. b. yes, there is. c. it’s over the bed.

( )3. is there a tree near the house?

a. yes, there is. b. yes, it is. c. yes, there are.

( )4. can you use a computer?

a. yes, i can b. no, i can. c. yes, i am.

( )5. what would you like for supper?

a. i’d like green beans. b. i like nice.

三根据**和字母提示写单词,完成句子(每小题两颗 ,共10颗 )

1. our maths is short and t

2. what would you like for lunch?

i’d like some e

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