
发布 2024-03-27 07:00:12 阅读 8278

unit 2 单元分析。

教材内容分析:本单元是人教版小学英语第二册教学内容,它处于整册书的第二单元,主题为my family. 通过真实自然的情境会话,教给学生如何询问别人的身份,如何介绍自己和询问他人的家庭成员;通过单词认读,学习家庭成员名称;继续学习字母及例词的书写;在a、b部分的基础上,对语言适当的拓展:


教学目标:能听懂、会说:this is my family.

who’s that man (boy)? he’s my….who’s that woman(girl)?

she’s my… come on! let’s watch tv. 并能在实际情境中运用,要求模仿正确、语调自然;能正确使用感叹词‘great!

/cool! /oh! /wow!

’,恰当抒发情感。能听、说、认读本课主要单词:father (dad), mother(mom), etc;能听、说、读、写字母f-i, 并能听懂、会说以这4个字母为首的单词;能听懂所接触到的指示语,并能按照指令做相应的动作。


教法:以情境交际法为主, 结合直观法、视听法、听说法等多种方法,使学生在听清、听准的基础上模仿发音,进而创设生活实景,使学生身临其境去交际,达到学以致用的目的。游戏法的使用能有效组织课堂,调动学生的积极性,使教学过程环环相扣,高潮迭起,节奏明快,张驰有度,提高课堂效率。





p14:1课时 p15:1课时 p16:1课时 p17:1课时 p18:1课时

p19:1课时 p20:1课时 p21:1课时 revision:2课时。

课题 unit 2 –let’s talk 总课时 10-1 授课时间

teaching contents: who’s that womanshe’s my mother.

who’s that manhe’s my father.

hi, mom! this is my friend, amy.

nice to meet you. -nice to meet you, too.

teaching aims: use the sentences 'who's that man? he's my...

who's that woman? she's my...to ask one's family members.

use the sentence-patterns to communicate with others.

key points: learn to use the new sentence pattern- who’s that woman/man? she’s/ he’s my…

difficult points: use the contents learnt to ask or introduce one’s family members freely.

teaching methods: the direct method, the communicative method,the situational method, tpr& games.

learning methods: the practical method, group activities, t-ss activities, the cooperative method.

teaching aids: cai, pictures and *****-cuts

teaching procedures:

step i. warm-up:

the song: boy and girl. 3. free talk.

step ii. revision

the contents learnt last lesson.

a: good morning/ afternoon.

i’m…(name). i’m from…(country.) where are you from?

b: i’m from…

a: nice to meet you. (to the class) hi! this is b. we h**e

a new friend today.

class: welcome!

(point to the two ss): this is my student, …and this is …

review the sentence patterns: this is … where are you from? i’m from…

3. get ss introduce their own friends with the sentences patterns

step iii. presentation.

(point to ‘amy’):look! who’s this girl?

do you know? oh, she’s amy. she’s my friend.

get the ss follow up: she’s amy. she’s my friend.

focus in: she.

t (point to ‘mike’):look! who’s this boy? do you know?

oh, he’s mike. he’s my friend.

get the ss follow up: he’s mike. he’s my friend.

focus in: he.

on with other students. ask the same questions.

my own friends' pictures and direct the ss ask.

t: look! i h**e a picture. would you like to know this woman?

please ask me ‘who’s that woman?’

ask several times until they understand and ask: who’s that woman? at this time t answers:

she’s my friend.

(show the picture of my own family): this is my family. teach to say:

family. ‘there are 3 people in my family. do you know who they are?

’ encourage ss ask.

teach the new words: mother (mom), father (dad).

ss watch vcd to learn let’s talk.

step iv. practice

listen and point.

s2: who’s that man? design like this:

a: look! i h**e a picture.

b: who’s that man? a:

he’s my dad. the ss work in pairs and talk about their own pictures.

4. get the ss practice the content of let’s talk.

then invite ss come to the front and make role-play.

step v. homework.

listen, read and act page 14 five times.


课题 unit 2 –let’s learn. 总课时 10-2 授课时间。

teaching contents:

father (dad) grandfather (grandpa) man woman friend

grandmother(grandma) mother(mom)

teaching aims: use the words to introduce the family members. sing the song

frequently and properly to consolidate thewords learnt.

key points: learn to listen, say and cognize the main words.

father(dad) grandfather (grandpa) man woman friend grandmother(grandma)


difficult points: use the contents learnt to ask or introduce one’s family members freely.

teaching methods: the direct method, the audio- lingual method,the audio-visual method, tpr& games.

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