五年级下册英语第六单元 8

发布 2024-03-22 14:40:05 阅读 4175

unit 6

a field trip


take pictures照相watch insects观察昆虫。

pick up le**es采摘树口十 do an experiment做实验。

catch butterflies捉蝴蝶 count insects数昆虫。

collect le**es收集树口十 write a report写报告。

play chess捉棋 h**e a picnic去野餐。



h**e a look看一看。




us我们(宾格over there在那边。


一what is mike doing'?迈克在干什么?

一he's watching insects.他在观察昆虫。

一they are in the woods.他们在树林里。

woods:树林 in the forest:在森林。

--are they catching butterflies?他们在捉蝴蝶吗?这是they are catching butterflies的一般疑问句。

它的肯定回答是:yes,they are.

否定回答是:no,they aren't.

一are you eating lunch?你(们)在吃午饭吗?这是“i am eating lunch.”或者“we are eating lunch.’’的一般疑问句。

它的肯定回答是:yes,i am.\yes,w乏are.

否定回答是:no,i am not.\no,we aren't.

一what experiment?什么实验?这是一个省略句。

一what do ants like to eat?蚂蚁喜欢吃什么?

一are they eating the honey?它们在吃蜂蜜吗?

一they likes sweet food.它们喜欢甜食。

一i like sweet things,too.do an experiment on me,please.我也喜欢甜食。请拿我来做实验吧。

一is he taking pictures?他在照相吗?这是he is taking pictures.的一般疑问句。

它的肯定回答是:yes,he is.否定回答是:no,he isn't.

一tell him we are le**ing告诉他我们走了。

一is she counting insects?她在数昆虫吗?这是she is counting insects的一般疑问句。

它的肯定回答是:yes,she is.否定回答是:

no,she isn’t.

一she's running to us.她正向我们跑来。to:向,往。

一she's over there.她在那边。over there:在那边。here:这里。


学习辅导。3.woods canable

4. collect chess check

5. count country counting

6.are the ants eating the honey?(

are the monkeys eating bananas?(

7.he's running to the river.(

he's swimming in the river.(

him we're le**ing( )

tell her we're coining( )

am fishing.(

the fish is bitting. (

am watching my classmates in the woods.(

i am doing an experiment in the woods.(


1.i am cleaning the bedroom.

2.they are in the woods.

3.hold on,please.

4.yes,she is.

5.no,we are not.

6.he's playing ping-pong with uncle wang.

7.she's doing her homework in the study.

8.it's eating bananas.

9.that is miss white.

10.i can see three lions.







1. amyanow.

1. theycatching

2. he isup

3. lookare counting


1.一can i照相)in the公园)?


2.一are the ants___吃)the蜂蜜)?

是的),they are.

3.一are you __a写报告)?

一no,i am not.i am __an写电子邮件).

学习辅导。4.一what __your grandpanow?你爷爷在干什么?

一he is下棋)with my叔叔)


today is saturday the sun is shining(照耀).the students of no.5pr-mary school(第五小学)h**e no lessons.they are in the park.the park is large(大的)and beautiful.there are many trees and flowers in it.there is a river and a hill in it too.some girls are under the big tree.they are singing and dancing .mike and tom are sitting on the grass.they are drawing. look,there is a banana in lucy's hand.she is eating bananas.how happy they are!


1.it's not saturday today.(

2.the students are h**ing class now. (

3 there are many rivers in the park.they are very beautiful.(

4 mike is drawing picture now.(

5 lucy is eating apple now.(

小小博士。let's findout你能根据给出的例子找到规律吗?试试看!

model:1)she is writing a letter in the study.


一 单元教学目标1 能力目标。1 能够简单描述郊游活动中人物的行为 动作等,如 sheis watchinginsects 2 能够运用句型 aretheycatchingbutterflies?isshetaking pictures 等询问别人正在做的动作,并做出相应的回答,如 yes they...


本单元学习的主题是询问并回答某人正在做某事,以及谈论在一些公共场所的行为规范。通过主题情境图的学习,呈现出本单元要学习的核心词汇和句型,及其语用环境,拉开了本单元学习的序幕。通过以下几部分的学习使得学生能够用正确的语音 语调 意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演,最终实现听 说 读 写能力的提高。1.能听...


unit 6 work quietly 第一课时。part a let s try let s talk 教学目标 1.熟读对话部分。2.掌握和灵活运用句型 what are they doing?what is he she doing?教学重点 1.能熟读对话部分。2.能用英语表达和提问某人正在...