
发布 2020-10-09 23:45:28 阅读 7888


part 1unit 6 part a知识点梳理。


重要句型。1. are you eating lunch ?你们正在吃午饭吗?

这是一个一般疑问句,它有两种回答方式:肯定回答否定回答2. are they eating the honey?它们正在吃蜂蜜吗?


规律总结:表示现在进行时的陈述句变一般疑问句时,只要将系动词be(am is are )和主语交换位置,将句末的句号变为问号,但是要注意第一人称和第二人称时,人称和系动词的相应变化。如:

iamreading a book? -areyoureading a book?同步练习:


1)are you eating lunch ?(写出陈述句2)are they eating the honey?(同上3)they are catching butterflies .

(一般疑问句4)we are doing an experiment.(一般疑问句5)we are taking pictures. (一般疑问句,并作出否定回答2.




part 2巩固练习。


1. eat___

5. write___h**e___do16. look __二、选择单词中所缺的字母。

) _a. ureb. arec.

ere() nta. oab. ouc.

ow()3. an _ era. seb.

cec. sw()4. ins_ _tsa.

exb. ecc. es()5.

exp_ _imenta. erb. rec.


)1. is she writing a reporta. yes, he no, she yes, she is .

(2. what___ants like to eat?a.

dob. doesc. are()3.

we are doing___ab. anc. these

)4. are the classmatesa report?a.

writeb. writeingc. writing()5.

the children are doing an experiment __ants .a. onb.

forc. at() time___go .a.

tob. forc. on()7.

what do you do on the weekend?. h**e english usually visit grandparents.

)8. what are you doing? am cook dinner .

b、i am doing the dishes.()9. can i speak to your mon?

sure , please___a. hold onb. read a book.

()10. what are you doing?. am reading a i can skate.

) they reading english? -a. no, he isn’tb.

yes, it isc. no, they aren’t .(12they are in the where is he?

b. what are they doing?c.

where are they?

)13no, she isn’ is she playing chess?b. she is playing chess.四、写出下面各词的正确形式。

(复数复数 (宾格同义词。

同义词 (同音词。


an e-mail to my and mikeam/is/are)reading a pandasam/is/are)climbing hu isdraw/drawing)pictures.

canwrite/writing) a report about the ants.六、读一读,找出合适的答语。

) is john doing? isn’t.()amy doing housework?

are in the woods.()you cleaning the classroom? is sweeping the floor.

()wu yifan washing the windows? is.

) are the girls? aren’t.七、翻译句子。1.我们正在抓蝴蝶。2.他们正在做实验。



welcometothechildren’ they’re very active. this is chen jie. she’s drawing pictures.

mike is watching insects. amy is reading astory book. wu yifan is playing chess with a man.

who’s the man? he’s mr. black, wu yifan’s math a smart man.

john and sarah are taking pictures. where’s bai ling? look!

she’s over there, she’s writing areport on the children’s day. her sister is singing and playing the piano.()bai ling singing?

a. yes, she is .b.

no, she isn’t.

) mike doing?a. he’s watching he’s watching insects.

()the date?a. it’s june 2nd .

b. it’s june 1st .(is wu yifan doing?

a. he’s playing he’s playing sports.

) is bai ling doing in the children’s centre?

a. she’s singing and playing the she’s writing a report.九、习作。



第六单元。词语。1.早上2.家3.帮助。4.睡觉5.跳跃6.步行。7.家务劳动8.在家9.响 钟,铃等。10.扫除11.地面12.家庭作业。13.站,立14.坐15.洗涤。16.复数 衣服18.再见19.口语 数学。短语。1.帮助 做2.扫地。3.在家4.擦窗。5.洗衣服6.今天下午。7.星期天上午...


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