
发布 2024-03-09 05:20:57 阅读 7809

unit 6 work quietly!

第一课时。part a let’s try & let’s talk


2.掌握和灵活运用句型:what are they doing? what is he/ she doing?



教学过程:step1: warm-up

1. t: is chen jie doing morning exercises

s: yes ,she is.

t: are the students h**ing english class?

s: no, they aren’t.

t: what is yi fan doing

s: he is walking.

t: what is mike doing

s: he is listening to music.

t: what are they doing

s: they are doing morning exercises.


2. read last lesson’s words.

step 2: presentation

1. listen to the tape of let’s try part and finish exercise.(老师讲解录音中的重点句子)

2. teach words and phrases : cute , they like bamboo.

do you see any elephants? look there! (板书这些重点句子,单词)

3. t: what’s this?

s: it’s a monkey.

t: teach words: bamboo, cute

t: whose like to eat bamboo?

s: pandas.

4. t: look at the picture. what are the monkey doing?

s: they are playing .

t: what are the pandas doing

s: they are eating lunch

t: what is the elephant doing

s: it’s drinking water.

5. listen to tape and read it .

6. students read understand this part.

step 3: teacher-student interaction

1. i point, you say.



3. drill.(灵活运用本节课的句型)

s1: what is he doing? s2: he is eating dinner.

s1: what are you doing? s2: i am reading a book.

s1: what are they doing? s2: they are watching tv.

step 4: classroom tests


) 1. pandas are eating lunch.

) 2. the elephant is playing with its mother.

) 3. the little monkey is drinking water.


a. talk quietly.

b. keep to the right.

c. what is zhang peng doing?

d. keep your desk clean.

e. they are eating lunch.


) is the elephant doing

) 2. it’s jumping

) 3. is the panda climbing

) 4. it’s running

) 5. what is the bird doing

a. no, it isn’t.

b. what’s the tiger doing?

c. what’s the kangaroo doing?

d. it’s flying.

e. it’s walking.


) 1. the lion is

a. runb. runningc. running

) 2. –do you see __bears? –yes ,i do.

a. anyb. somec. one

) 3. –what __the boy doing? -he’ s jumping.

a. areb. doc. is

) 4. _the pigs.

a. look b. look toc. look at


step 5.布置当堂作业。

1. 抄写对话,并写出汉语意思。

2. 熟读对话。

板书设计:unit 6 work quietly?

part a let’s try & let’s talk

what are they doing? they are eating lunch.

they’re so cute.

what’s the little monkey doing?

do you see any elephants?

unit 6 work quietly!

第二课时 part a let’s learn


doing morning exercises, h**ing…class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music.

2.掌握句型:what is chenjie /she /he doing?

what are the students /they /you doing?



教学过程:step1: warm-up

1. t: when is your birthday

s: my birthday is on april 8th.

t: whose storybook is that

s: it’s yours.

t: whose pen is that

s: it’s sarah’s . it’s hers.

t: is he drinking water

s: yes, he is .

t: are these rabbits eating?

s: no, they aren’t.(板书这些句子,也可留空让学生填)

2. review unit5’s content.

step 2: presentation

1. t: look at the picture .what’s chen jie doing?

s: (做早操) doing morning exercises.

t: follow me doing morning exercises.

use the same way to learn other words: h**ing…class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music.


2. sentences:

t: what is chen jie / he /she doing?

s: he / she is eating lunch

t: what are the students / they/you doing?

s: they /we are listening to music.

step 3: teacher-student interaction

1. teacher say english, students say chinese, and then exchange.

2. teacher show word card, student say words.


s1: what is zhang peng doing?

s2: he is reading a book.

s1:what are sarah and chen jie doing?

s2: they are eating lunch.


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