
发布 2020-11-14 20:06:28 阅读 8846


p78-79 1训练成为···train to be···

2做某事对某人来说是有意义的it’s meaningful for sb to do sth3想要某人做某事want sb to do sth4更多some more

5需要帮助的人people who need help6无家可归的人homeless people

7聋人deaf people8单独,独自alone

9当地**local government

10给某人提供某物provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth11盲人blind people


12期待做某事expect to do sth

13一个做某事的机会a chance to do sth

14向世界展示他们的技能show their skills to the world15与···相似be similar to···在某方面相似be similar in16放弃give up17空闲时间free time18生来具有···was born with

19尽某人最大努力做某事try one’s best to do sth20对···有信心be confident of···21感觉像是feel like

22有机会做某事get to do sth=h**e a chance to do sth23影响某人,使某人恼怒get to sb

24实现他们的梦想achieve/realize their dream25一等奖first prize26变成现实come true27与···相同,be the same as

28确定做某事be sure to do sth29为什么?what···for?


30捐钱做某事donate money to do sth献血donate blood31照顾,照看take care of=look after32给某人让座give seat to sb

第1页。33做某事有麻烦h**e trouble (in) doing sth34和某人交朋友make friends with sb35对某人有耐心be patient with sbp87-88

36他是干什么的?what’s he?

37和某人保持联系keep in touch with sb38通过做某事的方式by doing sth39改善他们的生活improve their lives

40用这种方式in this way

41在我们的日常生活中in our daily life42零花钱pocket money43需要帮助的人people in need

p8944由···组成be made up of45根据according to46到某地去旅行go on a trip to sp47导致lead to48旅行帮助我们的大脑放松tr**elling helps our mind relax49旅行帮助我们保持健康tr**elling helps us keep fit50天空没有以前那么蔚蓝了the sky is not as blue as before51水不再清澈了the water is not clean any more

52我们的环境正在变得更糟our environment is getting worse53需要做某事need to do sth54采取行动做某事take action to do sth

p9055住院in hospital在医院in the hospital56尽可能快as soon as possible

57失去某人的生命lose one’s life失去信心lose heart58收到某人的来信hear from sb59寻求帮助ask for help

60伸出援手give a helping hand



unit8 is there a post office near here?office 邮局 phone 投币式公用 from 在 对面 to 紧靠 在 和 之间 front of 在 前面 外部 in the front of 内部 the neighborhood near here 在附近...


7b unit 6重点短语与句型。1 hurry up 快点,赶快。2 sb be tired 某人累了 3carry sth for sb 为某人提某物。4 too much 太多 不可数名词 5 outdoor activity 户外活动 6 go riding去骑马。7 go camping去...


1.太多。2.感冒。3.胃疼。4.后背疼。5.喉咙痛。6.切伤自己。7.躺下来休息一下。8.喝带蜂蜜的热茶。9.看牙医。10.拍张x光片。11.量体温。12.在伤口上敷些药。13.头痛。14.那或许就是原因吧。15.需要做某事 人 物 16.同一个姿势坐得时间太久。17.看医生。18.看见某人正在做...