
发布 2021-06-04 07:51:28 阅读 4732

unit8 is there a post office near here?

office 邮局 phone 投币式公用**

from 在….对面 to 紧靠… 在…和…之间 front of 在…前面(外部)in the front of(内部) the neighborhood=near here 在附近 straight 沿着….直走 right 向右拐 far from+地点离某地远 to…欢迎到…..

along+地点=go down+地点沿着。直走 the first crossing在第一个十字路口。

the right在右边 on the left在左边 are welcome=not at all =that’s all right不用谢 人+spend +时间/金钱+on sth.某人花时间/ 金钱在。上 b.

人+spend +时间/金钱+(in) doing sth 某人花时间/金钱来做某事 doing sth.享受做某事 goes quickly 时间过的很快 sb. doing sth看某人正在做某事 like看起来像。

beginning of … 的开始 fun 玩到开心 way to …去….的路 a taxi 乘出租车 a good trip 旅途愉快 the fifth **enue 在第五大街

unit8 is there a post office near here?课堂练习。

is a bank在对面) the library.

2. the pay phone is紧挨着) the library.

3.( the garden is next __my house.

4.( she is sitting __lily and lucy.

to from

5.( the hotel is __the bank.

the front of front of the front front

6.( tom sits __the classroom and listens to the teacher carefully.

the front of front of the front front

7is the hotel?” it’s near the bank”

8could you tell me the way to the bank?

me 9.( it’s down bridge street向右拐).

10.( the hotel is down bridge street __the right.

11. we often___clean) the classroom.

is busy __do) his homework.

13. tom enjoysplay) soccer.

and sunsan enjoy___watch) tv .

you enjoy___english in our class ,mr green?


h**e fun at the party.(同义句改写)

theyat the party.

often take a walk __the park on second **enue.

___cross) the bridge and you’ll find it on the left.

mehelp) you.

to school.

hopevisit) beijing.

22.( let’sall right .

a walk walk take walk take a walk

book is __interest) .that is an __interest) book.

aminterest) in english.

乘出租车) to school on friday __my birthday party.

d./unit8 is there a post office near here?课后练习。









- -it’soncenterstreet.







八年级是为初中的第二年,也是出现两极分化的关键年级,是整个中学的转折点。下面是给大家整理的8年级上第4单元英语短语,供大家参阅!8年级上第4单元英语短语篇11.movie theater电影院。2.close to 离 近3.clothes store服装店4.in town在镇上5.so far到...


1.a long period of time很长一段时间。2.h e fun doing sth.做某事开心。3.create fear制造恐惧。4.there must be。doing sth.一定有。在做某事。5.cough a lot咳得厉害。6.belong to。7.the only ...

8下英语短语 1

unit 1 1.一小时前。2.过去经常,以前常常。3.与某人分享某物。4.在过去几年里。5.在不同的时代。6.到校。7.乘公交去某地。8.乘地铁。9.开始做某事。10.投入 使用。11.一生。12.在。的北部。13.住在一起。14.结婚。15.搬到某地。16.从那时以来。17.变化很大。18.过去...