
发布 2021-06-04 07:50:28 阅读 6043


1. britain has recently had a high level of unemployment but the same is true __many other countries.

a. atb. fromc. ofd. to

2. due to circumstances __our control, tonight’s performance has been cancelled.

a. beyond b. underc. aboved. off

3. —how long h**e you been like this?

october 13th, monday.

a. onb. afterc. fromd. since

4. naughty boy as he is, this time he broke the window just __accident not __purpose.

a. in; onb. at; with c. by; ond. in; for

5. li gang was required to apologize __the people present at the meeting __what he had done.

a. for; byb. with; about c. to; ford. at; with

6. my aunt was a bank clerk __the war, when she trained as a nurse.

a. withb. untilc. aboutd. at

7. a man who treats failures __valuable lessons will surely succeed one day.

a. tob. forc. asd. by

8. her fluency in english gives her an advantage __other girls for the job.

a. aboveb. overc. thand. with

9. generally speaking, admission __the college is by entrance examination.

a. forb. byc. ind. to

10. —what’s the weather forecast __tomorrow?

—sorry, i don’t know.

a. forb. toc. withd. of

11. _speed and comfort, bicycles can’t be compared with other means of transportation like cars and trains.

a. in terms of b. instead of c. because of d. in face of

12. the police h**e warned tourists __le**ing the main tourist centres.

a. byb. onc. ford. against

13. the new microw**e oven is quite popular __many practical functions and its remarkable energy s**ing.

a. amongb. aboutc. within d. for

14. he may not be able to help but there’s no harm __asking him.

a. inb. forc. tod. by

15. the red shirt is too bright __my taste — please show me the blue one.

a. tob. withc. ford. by

16. the construction of the water plant went on __whether the local people would oppose it.

a. for fear of b. in case of c. instead of d. regardless of

17. _my return, i learned that bob had gone to japan on business.

a. atb. toc. ond. with

18. the customer bargained with the shopkeeper for a long time, and finally they agreed __the price.

a. ofb. withc. ond. at

19. although the city has put huge amounts of money into the treatment of river pollution, the results are __satisfactory.

a. more than b. far from c. next tod. apart from

20. _reading the article, she wrote down some elegant words and sentences in her notebook.

a. inb. byc. withd. as


1-5 cadcc 6-10 bcbda 11-15 addac 16-20 dccba

1. c。the same is true of … 意思是“……也是如此”。表示前面的情况也适合后者。

2. a。句意:由于我们控制不了形势,今晚的表演已经取消。 beyond one’s control某人无法控制。

3. d。句意:——你像这样有多久了?——自从十月十三号星期一一直到现在。问句使用现在完成时。所以答语用since。

4. c。by accident= by chance意为“偶然,意外地”;on purpose意为“故意”。

5. c。apologize to sb for sth 是固定搭配,意为“因某事向某人道歉”。

6. b。根据语境可知,我的姑姑在战前是个银行职员, 战时受训当了**。until在此处为介词,意为“直到”。

7. c。句意:一个将失败看作是宝贵的经验教训的人有一天一定会成功。treat…as…把……看作……。

8. b。advantage意为“优势”,后面跟over和宾语。

9. d。admission 常与介词to 连用,意为“进入或获准进入某建筑物、社团、学校等”。

10. a。for 意为“对于,关于”。

又如:a hurricane has been forecast for tomorrow afternoon. 天气预报说明天下午有飓风。

11. a。in terms of 就……而言,依照;instead of 代替;because of 因为;in face of面临。


12. d。warn sb against doing警告某人不要做某事。句意:警察已经警告游客不要离开主要的旅游中心。

13. d。for表原因。“因为很多实用功能和出色的节能性而大受欢迎”。be popular with/among…受……的欢迎。

14. a。there's no harm in doing sth/it does no harm to do sth意为“做某事并无害处,做某事也无妨”。

15. c。sth be too bright/modern/dark etc. for sb’s taste意为“某物由于过于……,而不合某人的口味”。

16. d。regardless of不理会(某人/某事物); 不顾。句中的意思是“不考虑当地人是否反对”。

17. c。on 后跟名词或动词-ing 形式,表示“一……就……”相当于as soon as。

18. c。agree on 意为“就……达成一致意见”。 agree with sb/sth常表示同意某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 (即持同一观点)。

19. b。far from…根本不……,远非……。根据句意可知“治理效果很不令人满意”。more than satisfactory非常令人满意。


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