参考 中考英语题型专练句子种类

发布 2021-03-01 06:18:28 阅读 6908


) 1exercising, and you’ll be healthier..

a.. keep b.. to keep c.. keeping d.. keeps

) 2.. excuse me.. is there a bank near here?

— nobut you can find one in zhongshan road..

a.. there isn’t b.. it isn’tc.. they aren’t d.. here isn’t

) 3.. tom didn’t go to school this morning, did he?

though he had a bad cold..

a.. yes, he didn’t b.. yes, he did

c.. no, he didn’t d.. no, he did

) 4nice weather it is! let’s play football..

a.. what b.. howc.. what a d.. how a

考点点拨】 陈述句用来陈述一件事或一种看法,包括肯定句和否定句。否定句一般在系动词(be)、助动词或情态动词后加not构成。no, no one, nobody, nothing, neither, none, never 等表示否定意义的词也可构成否定句。




1) what+ a / an + adj.. 可数名词的单数形式+主语+谓语!

2) what + adj.. 可数名词的复数形式/不可数名词+主语+谓语!


1) how + adj.. a / an +可数名词的单数形式+主语+谓语!

2) how + adj.. adv.. 主语+谓语!



1) 以动词原形开头;

2) let +宾语+动词原形(+其他成分)。


1) don’t +动词原形,表示“不要/禁止……”

2) 以let开头的祈使句的否定形式为:don’t let +宾语+动词原形和let +宾语+ not + 动词原形;

3) 公共场所的提示语中常用“no+名词/动名词”表示 “禁止做某事”。


) 1is the population of your city? do you know?

— sorry, i don’t know..

a.. what b.. how c.. how much d.. how many

) 2.. let’s search the internet for some information about famous people, ?

a.. will you b.. won’t you c.. shall we d.. do we

) 3late for class again,” said the teacher..

a.. not to be b.. not bec.. don’t be d.. won’t be

) 4.. please off the lights when you le**e the room..

a.. turnb.. turnsc.. turnedd.. turning

) 5.. why to the great wall this sunday?

— good idea!

a.. not gob.. don’t go

c.. not to go d.. you don’t go


1.. 难道你不想和我们一起去吗?

2.. 你想喝咖啡还是牛奶?

3.. 请不要站在路中间。

4.. 让我们八点见,好吗?

5.. 他写得多好呀!

参***:经典习题 1-4 aaba

即时操练。一、1-5 accaa

二、1.. don’t you want to go with us?

2.. would you like coffee or milk?

3.. please don’t stand in the middle of the road..

4.. let’s meet at eight o’clock, shall we?

5.. how well he writes!

2024年中考英语题型专练汇总 句子种类 附答案

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