中考英语题型专练之语法复习 数词 课件

发布 2021-05-19 07:00:28 阅读 6232

a. threeb. third

c. twod. second


考点三: 分数。

经典习题】 ) 1. the girl spends of her free time reading every day.

a. third four b. three fourth

c. third fourths d. three fourths

) 2. there’s much meat in the basket, but of it is dirty.

a. two three b. two third

c. two thirds d. second three

) 3. of the oranges been eaten by him.

a. one third; h**e b. one third; has

c. first three; h**e d. first third; has



考点四: 年代与日期的表达。

经典习题】 ) 1. most of the students in our class were born in the .

a. 1990 b. 1990th

c. 1990sd. 1990s’

) 2. the correct pronunciation of “12月25日” is .

a. december the twenty-fifth

b. december no. twenty-five

c. december twenty-five

d. december the twenty-five

考点点拨】“in the + 年的复数”表示年代;“in the + 序数词 + century”表示“在……世纪”。


key:考点一 1-3 cab

考点二 1-2 cb

考点三 1-3 dca

考点四 1-2 ca

中考英语题型专练 语法复习 连词 含答案解析

考点一 并列连词。考点点拨 表示并列的连词有and,or,either or neither nor not only but also both and as well as。其中or,either or neither nor not only but also 连接主语时,谓语动词与最靠近的主...

参考 中考英语题型专练句子种类

经典习题 1exercising,and you ll be healthier.a.keep b.to keep c.keeping d.keeps 2.excuse me.is there a bank near here?nobut you can find one in zhongshan ...


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