
发布 2021-05-11 15:07:28 阅读 7102


一、基数词(cardinal number)


156 : one/a hundred (and) fifty-six 602 : six hundred (and) two

2.hundred, thousand, million等词前面有具体数字或several修饰时,不加-s。如:

two million readers 两百万读者 a few hundred meters 几百米 several million people 数百万人。

若不与数词或several连用,要以复数形式出现,并加of,表示“数以百计”、“成千上万”等。如:hundreds of books. (数以百计)

3.表示"几十岁":dozens of ages;in my thirties.

表示"年代",用 in the 数词复数; in the 1990s 20世纪90年代。


no.102 middle school (102中学);room 206 (206房间)。 如果数字不大,可用序数词表达,但它应放在名词之前。

如:the first lesson= lession one (第一课) (注意大写和序数词前加the)


two-week holiday 两周的假 ; an eighteen-metre-wide street 一条18米宽的街道

但注意它与名词所有格形式作定语的区别。如:how far is it from your home to your school?

it’s about ten minutes’ walk. 从你家到到学校多远?大约十分钟路程。


(单数或复数)+and a half”;另一种是“数词+and a half +n.复数”。如:

“两个半月”可译为:two months and a half或two and a half months

7、基数词表时刻。4:20 four twenty= twenty past four5:45five fifteen=fifteen to six=a quarter to six

8、位于anotherl之后,more之前,如:can you h**e another two cakes?= can you h**e two more cakes?


二、序数词(ordinal number)


序数词的缩写形式: first---1st second---2nd thirty-first---31st

(1st) 2. second (2nd) 3. third (3rd) (4th) (5th) (6th) 7.

seventh (7th) 8. eighth (8th) 9. ninth (9th) 10.

tenth (10th) 11. eleventh (11th) 12. twelfth (12th) 13.

thirteenth (13th) 14. fourteenth (14th) fifteenth (15th) sixteenth (16th) seventeenth (17th) eighteenth (18th) nineteenth (19th) twentieth (20th) twenty-first (21st)

除了first, second, third以及和它们一起组成的高位序数词以外,序数词的构成方法是在相应的基数词之后加-th,但要注意fifth, eighth ,ninth,twelfth等不规则拼法。twenty, thirty等在变为序数词时,要把y变成i, 再加-eth。


1. (1)较小分数的分子以基数词表示,分母以序数词表示,当分子大于1时,序数词要用复数, 其写法与读法如下:1/2 = a/one half /3= a/one third 1/4 = a/one fourth / quarter 2/5 = two fifths

2) 较复杂分数的简明读写方法。如 22/9 twenty-two over nine

(3) 整数与分数之间须用and连接。如: four and a half nine and two fifths

2.小数是以基数词加小数点表示,小数点前面的数按基数词的规则读,小数点后面的数按个位基数词依次读出。如: 0.006 — zero point zero zero six

3.百分数是由基数词或小数加百分号组成,百分号(%)读作percent。如: 5% —five percent

4. 倍数表示法。

1.) 主语+谓语+倍数(或分数)+ as + adj. +as

i h**e three times as many as you. 我有你三倍那么多。

2.) 主语+谓语+倍数(分数)+ the size (amount,length…) of…

the earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球是月球的49倍。

3.) 主语+谓语+倍数(分数)+ 形容词(副词)比较级+ than…

the grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year. 今年比去年粮食产量增加8%。

4.) 还可以用by+倍数,表示增加多少倍。

the production of grain has been increased by four times this year. 今年粮食产量增加了4倍。

5. 加减乘除式的读法

6+5=11 six plus five is eleven 或 six and five is eleven.

11-6=5 eleven minus six is five. 或 six from eleven is five.

4×5=20 four multiplied by five is twenty.或 four times five is twenty.

20÷4=5 twenty divided by four is five. 或 four into twenty goes five.

a > b a is more than b. a < b a is less than b.


1) 表示“大约、接近”,常用nearly, about, some, almost, around 等。

about 700 people大约700 人some fifty years ago 大约50年前。

2) 表示“左右”用or so in the past five years or so 在过去五年左右的时间里。

3)“少于”用less than less than 30 years old 不到30岁。

4)“多于”用 more than =over more than a year ago一年多以前 over 70 years ago 70多岁了。

中考演练。1.【2011深圳will she stay here? -for

a. how soon; one hour and a half b. how long; one and a half hours

c. how soon; one and a half hours d. how long; one hour and half

2.【2010深圳people are taking action to protect the environment now.

--yes. _of my classmates come to school by bike now.

a. more and more, four fifth b. less and less, four fifth

c. more and more, four firths d. less and less, four fifths

3.【2009深圳】--do you know the boy___is sitting next to peter?

--yes.he is peter’s friend.they are celebrating this___birthday.

a. who, ninth b. that, nineth c. /nineth d. which, ninth

4.【2008深圳】--do you still remember the snow storm last winter?

sure. _people __from going home during that time.

a. one hundred, stoppedb. ten hundreds of, were stopped

c. hundreds, stoppedd. hundreds of, were stopped

5.【2007深圳】 -how old is the baby? -he is __


一 数词概述。英语的数词可以分为基数词和序数词两大类。基数词表示数目的多少,如 three,thirty,forty nine等。而序数词表示的则是这些数目的顺序,如 third,thirtieth,forty ninth等。数词与不定代词很相似,其用法相当于名词与形容词。中考对数词的考查主要是数词...


2 十位数与百位数之间有and。但也有不用and的情况,如850可以读作eight hundred fifty。基数词的用法。基数词在句中可用作下列句子成分 1 主语。two plus nine is eleven.二加九等于十一。four times six is twenty four.四乘六得...


知识要点。表示 多少 和 第几 的词,叫数词。数词分为基数词和序数词两。种。1 基数词 在十位数词和个位数词中间加上连字符 如 21 twenty one 基数词三位以上的数词,在百位和十位之间,一般要。用连词 and 如 132 one hundred and thirty two.表示 万 的词...