
发布 2021-05-11 02:37:28 阅读 4278

1. i don’t understand how you got a ticket. i alwaysyoua careful driver.

a. think; are b. am thinking; are

c. thought; were d. think; were

2. i really ought to go on a diet。ion so much weight since i g**e up jogging.

a. put b. am putting

c. h**e put d. had put

3. weto go skiing tomorrow,but there’s no snow,so we’ll just stay home instead。

a. are going b. were going

c. will go d. would go

4. at the time of the earthquake jeff was still in his office. heto finish a project before he left for the day.

a. has tried b. had tried

c. has been trying d. had been trying

5. the student didn’t pay any attention to the lecture; heof something else.

a. thought b. had thought

c. would think d. was thinking

6. —such a mistake could h**e been **oided.

—unfortunately, hethe mistake again and again.

a. repeated b. would repeat

c. had repeated d. would h**e repeated

7. —did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday?

—no, but weto get in touch with them ever since.

a. h**e tried b. h**e been trying

c. had tried d. had been trying

8. i would h**e come sooner but ithat they were waiting.

a. h**en’t known b. hadn’t known

c. don’t know d. didn’t know

9. -oh, it’s you, steve! iyou.

-no surprising. i’ve just had my hair cut.

a. don’t recognize b. h**en’t recognized

c. didn’t recognize d. hadn’t recognized

10. i’m glad to see that youa lot of progress since iyou last.

a. will make; h**e met b. h**e been ******; met

c. had made; met d. h**e made; meeting

11. -h**e you finished your composition already?

-yes. iit in twenty minutes.

a. h**e finished b. finished

c. will finish d. had finished

12. once a programmeput into a computer, itaccordingly.

a. is; acts b. is being; is acting

c. has been; will act d. will be; acts

13. —what place is it?

—h**en’t you seen that weback where we

a. were;had been b. are;were

c. were;h**e been d. are;had been

14. —didn’t the guard see him breaking into the bank?

—no, hein the other direction.

a. was looking b. had looked

c. looked d. is looking

15. —h**e you persuaded him?

—yes. after some hours of discussion, ito reason him in accepting the new plan.

a. had managed b. would manage

c. h**e managed d. managed

16. —i suppose the young beautiful actress is about 20 years old.

she is still a college student.

a. you guess it b. you guessed it

c. you h**e it guessed d. you’re guessing it

17. -the enemy spy was found at last. -really? wherehimself?

a. had he hidden b. did he hide

c. has he hidden d. was he hidden

1. c. 因为指you got a ticket之前,“我原来一直认为你是位非常小心的司机”,所以用过去时。

2. c. 因为与表示“自…以来”的since从句或短语连用的通常是现在完成时态;再说前面的“我应当节食了”,也说明现在“我已经增肥”了。

3. b. were going to do sth. 指“原打算做…”。

4. d. 指从发生**之前的某一时候开始到发生**时一直在努力完成一项计划,并且在发生**时依然在办公室努力完成这一计划,所以要用过去完成进行时。

5. d. 指这位学生在没有注意听课的同时“正在想着别的事情”。

6. a. 因为could h**e done是对过去发生的事表示遗憾,所以答语也应该是指他在过去一再犯这样的错误。

7. b. 因为ever since是“自那以后(直到现在)”之意,常与完成时连用,又根据but 可知,现在也还在设法与他们取得联系,所以用现在完成进行时。

8. d. 因为would h**e come是表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语态,所以是“我当时不知道他们在等”。

9. c. 因为说话时已经认出来了,指在说话之前“刚才我没有认出你来”,所以用一般过去时。

10. b. 因为是“上次见你”,所以since从句的谓语动词用一般过去时,排除a和d;又表示从上次见你以来一直到现在并且现在依然在不断取得进步,所以用现在完成进行时。

11. b. 由答语yes可知,现在已经做完了,后**调的是完成的时间,要用一般过去时。


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中考英语语法 现在完成时用法解析。1.构成。现在完成时是由助动词h e has 动词的过去分词构成。助动词说明该谓语是属于现在时范围。它和主语的人称 数要保持一致。过去分词是主要的谓语动词,说明句子的意义。2.用法。1 表示动作发生在过去某个不确定的时间,但对现在留下了某种影响和结果。常被just ...


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