
发布 2021-06-04 07:52:28 阅读 9124

day 11. lack of money accounts for her discontinuing her studies. 导致,解释…的原因。

2. i apologized to you for my absence. 为…道歉。

3. does this film appeal to you? 对…有吸引力。

4. the government appeals to us to s**e water. 呼吁,要求。

5. i will apply for a well-paid job. 求(职),申请(工作)

6. i will be able to adapt myself to circumstances. 使某人适应于(某种环境、某件事)

7. if fate does not adjust itself to you, adjust yourself to fate. 调节、改变以适应…

8. we agree on the question. 达成一致。

9. they agreed to establish joint venture. 同意(做某事)

10. they agreed to a proposal at the meeting. 同意(做某事)

11. i wholly agree with you on the issue. 同意(某人的意见)

12. i approve of using the method of voting. 赞成,认可。

13. they believe in christianity. 信仰、信奉。

14. we belong to different classes. 属于,是…的组成部分。

15. the policy has brought about the decline of houses’ price. 引起。

16. he offered to contribute to the red cross. 捐献。

17. which flat did they break into? 闯入,破门而入。

18. they burst into laughter. 突然大笑。

19. we benefit from daily exercises. 得益于,受益于。

20. it took the teacher months to bring her class under control. 控制住…

21. they will call off the press conference. 取消(某项活动)

22. public call for green olympics. 要求,提倡。

23. i shall call at his home tomorrow. 拜访,访问。

24. my mother will call on her friend on the way home.

25. calm down and think carefully. 拜访,访问。

26. do you care for fruit? 喜欢。

27. we must catch up with times. 赶上,追上。

28. you should keep up with the latest development in science. 跟上(思想、风尚…)

29. i cannot keep pace with him in english. 跟上,并驾齐驱。

30. please drop in at my office when you happen to be free. 顺便拜访。

31. it's improper to drop in on him so casually. 顺便拜访。

32. be careful when you come across the street. 穿过。

33. perhaps i shall come across him in japan. 偶遇。

34. they met with setbacks last year. 经历,遭受。

35. a week consists of seven days. 由…组成。

36. when it comes to maths, i am completely at sea. 一谈到,就…而论。

37. he finally came to himself when in hospital. 苏醒,恢复知觉。

38. man must depend on himself. 依靠,依赖。

39. many boys dream of becoming pilots. 梦想做…

40. he glanced at the news***** headlines. 看一眼,瞥视。

day 241. he will go abroad alone next week. 去国外。

42. please go over your bill. 仔细检查。

43. i will head for nanjing the day after tomorrow. 出发,前往。

44. we insist on self-reliance. 坚持。

45. most of them persist in setting strict demands on themselves. 坚持。

46. do persevere in your efforts 坚持。

47. he was knocked down by a passing car. 撞倒。

48. he will le**e dalian for beijing. 从…出发去…

49. success lies in hard work. 在于。

50. we will look into the population problem. 调查,追查到底。

51. we shouldn’t laugh at others. 嘲笑,讥笑。

52. we long for peace. 向往,渴望。

53. he will major in computer at university. 主修,以…为专业。

54. i mistook your book for mine. 认错,将…误以为…

55. more and more people object to smoking. 反对,不赞成。

56. drugs can help athletes recover from injury. 恢复,痊愈。

57. you should get over your shyness in public. 克服。

58. his interests range from chess to stamp. 在…之间,从…到…

59. if you meet with new words, please refer to the dictionary.

60. the accident resulted from his carelessness. 产生于,由…引起,导致。

61. please see to it that you close the window before le**ing. 留心,留意务必做…

62. we will see through a false appearance.识破假象。

63. they are searching for the lost boy. 搜索,搜寻。

64. please send for a doctor at once. 派人去叫,请某人来。

65. he set about working on the project. 开始,着手做…

66. tom set out to water the flowers the minute he got home. 开始做…

67. we should stick to school rules. 坚持(诺言、协议、决定、原则…)

68. they suffered from the disasters. 忍受,受…之苦。

69. serve as 担任…,充当…作用。

this room serves as the living room and the dining room as well.

70. substitute for 代替。

there is no substitute for blood up to now.

71. exchange a for b /replace b with a 用a替换b

you can’t exchange fast food for a balanced diet./ you can’t replace a balanced diet with fast food.

72. think highly of 高度评价。

dorothy always thinks highly of her role in the play.

73. turn to sb. for (help/ advice) 求助于。

if you h**e some mental problems, don’t hesitate to turn to your teacher for advice.

74. ask sb. for 求助于。

everyone in the class asks him for help.

75. break out 爆发(无被动)

a big fire broke out in the high-rise.

76. break down 抛锚。

limousine as it is, it broke down on the way to the wedding ceremony.

77. build up 强健身体。

you need some protein to build yourself up.

78. bring up 抚养。

she was brought up by her step-mother.

79. carry out ( a plan) 执行。

you must carry out the plan on schedule.

80. clear up ① 澄清 ② 放晴。

it will clear up tomorrow.


day381. check in 登记;检票入场。

remember to bring your identification card when you check in.

82. come out first 得第一名。

one of my classmates came out first in the english contest.

83. cut off 切断。

the electricity was cut off due to his failure to pay the bill.


1.以agree 为中心的词组。agree on 对 达成协议 对 取得一致意见。agree to 赞同某人观点 意见等 suggestion,arrangement etc.agree with 赞同某人或某人的话 适合。2.以break 为中心的词组。break away from 脱离,逃离。...


1.以agree 为中心的词组。agree on 对 达成协议 对 取得一致意见。agree to 赞同某人观点 意见等 suggestion,arrangement etc.agree with 赞同某人或某人的话 适合。2.以break 为中心的词组。break away from 脱离,逃离。...


1.以agree 为中心的词组。agree on 对 达成协议 对 取得一致意见。agree to 赞同某人观点 意见等 suggestion,arrangement etc.agree with 赞同某人或某人的话 适合。2.以break 为中心的词组。break away from 脱离,逃离。...