高考英语短语动词53大常考核心考点 十二

发布 2021-05-08 10:01:28 阅读 5773



1.would you mindyour radio a little?(81高考)

a. turn off b. turning off c. to turn down d. turning down

2.in the dark street, there wasn’t a single person __she could turn for

a. that b. who c. from whom d. to whom

3. i can hardly hear the radio. would you please __nmet'95

a. turn it on b. turn it down c. turn it up d. turn it off

4.we wanted to get home before dark, but it didn’t quiteas planned. (浙江卷04-25)

a. make outb. turn outc. go on d. come up

no one toin such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless. (陕西卷06-14)

a. turn to b. turn on c. turn off d. turn over

6.--why does she always ask you for help? (2005北京)

--there is no one else __is there?

a. who to turn to b. she can turn to

c. for whom to turn d. for her to turn

7.--what are you reading, tom? (08全国卷2)

-- i’m not really reading, just __the pages.

a. turning off b. turning around c. turning over d. turning up

of people __to watch yesterday‘s match against ireland. (辽宁卷28).

a. turned on b. turned in c. turned around d. turned out

答案与简析】ddcba bcd 2、考题分析:turn to sb. for help求助于。

4、make out起草;理解。turn out实现;结果是。 go on继续。come up走近;上来,长出。

to 求助于根据句意“没有别的她可求助的人”,应选b。she can turn to

是省略关系代词的定语从句。也可用不定式作定语:there is no one else to turn to.


turn out 有外出的意思,而turn on 则是打开,turn in**睡觉, 上缴等意思;turn around是―转身的意思。只有turn out 符合语境。 句意:



记忆,如turn一词:turn on(打开turn off关掉(电器、自来水、煤气等);使厌烦。

turn up(放大音量等;出现), turn down(放小音量等;拒绝) ,turn in(上交turn against(反对),turn out(生产;结果是;证明是(系动词短语。

turn away(避开,把……打发走)

turn into变成;turn over翻页;翻身;移交;

turn to 翻到;转向;求助于;

注意:take one's turn依次;轮流;in turn轮流等。

精练】1.--so, how is your new roommate?

---she really __she’s always ****** loud noises at midnight and when i remind her,she always makes rude remarks.

a. turns me overb. turns me offc. turns me downd. turns me away

performance supposed to be popular __to be a great disappointment after it was over.

a.turned up b.turned down c.turned out d.turned over

the need toa dictionary or a reference book, perhaps ten or even twenty times a page, tires him out.

a. turn into b. turn off c. turn to d. turn down

it looked like to rain this morning,it has to be a fine day.

up out into in

答案】bccb 3.【解析】 turn into变成; turn off关掉; turn to翻倒、求助于; turn down拧低。


at从事, 致力于, 钻研。

on继续工作, 设法说服, 影响。

out(1) 设计;制订;安排(2) 使筋疲力尽;耗尽(3) 解决;找到…的答案(4) 结果;发展。

真题连接】didn't plan our art exhibition like that but it __very well.(nmet2001,26)

a. worked out b. tried out c. went on d. carried on

2.(07陕西卷)11.we had wanted to finish our task by noon, but it didn’t quite___

a.find outb.give outc.hand outd.work out

ad精析】1. 此题是对短语动词辨别能力的考查。try out意为"试用;实验"; go on意为"继续下去;发出;进行"; carry on意为"继续;进行下去";对于work out我们所熟知的意思是"算出;制定出;解决出"。

很显然,以上所列短语动词的意思均不符合题干的语境。这样看来,命题人想要我们根据所给的语境进一步地了解以上所熟悉的短语动词的其它意思。此题所给的正确答案是a,work out在此意为"证明是;结果是"。

题干中but的语义转折告诉我们,只有work out的这个意思符合题义,work out在此相当于turn out(to be)。

高考英语短语动词53大常考核心考点 六

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