
发布 2021-05-22 10:57:28 阅读 8412

vt. 授予(奖品,奖项等)

usage: award sb sth = award sth to sb 授予某人某奖项。

eg: award her a scholarship = award a scholarship to her

n. 奖;奖品;奖状。

eg: grammy award 格莱美奖

academic award for best actor 最佳男演员奖。

vs. reward

vt. 报答,犒劳,奖赏

usage: reward sb with sth 用某物奖赏某人。

eg: reward the dog with a biscuit

n. 赏金,酬金。

eg: get a reward for turning in the wallet 因交还钱包而得到酬金。

a. 意识到的;知道的

note: 注意词性是形容词!

usage 1: sb be aware of sth 某人意识到某物。

eg: people should be aware of the importance of environmental protection.

usage 2: sb be aware that clause

eg: i wasn’t aware that you were here.

synonym: conscious (用法同aware)

derivative: awareness n. 意识。

eg: the awareness of environmental protection 环保意识。

n. 禁止;禁令 vt. 禁止。

usage 1: ban sth / doing

eg: ban his book, a film

ban smoking, swimming in the river

usage 2: ban sb from doing

eg: ban him from driving for a year

synonym: prohibit vt. 禁止。

usage 3: a ban on sth /doing

eg: a ban on cigarettes

a ban on diving into the river

a. 无遮盖的;赤裸的;光秃的;刚刚够的;勉强的

eg: bare feet 赤脚。


bare hillside 光秃秃的山坡

a bare pass 勉强及格。

barely ad. 几乎不;仅仅;简直没有。

eg: i could barely hear you. 我几乎听不到你。

sentence pattern: barely/scarcely / hardly had sb done when sb did一…就…

barely had i arrived home when it began to rain. 我一到家,天就开始下雨。


eg: the base of a glass / a ******** 玻璃杯底/三角形底边。

a sugar production base蔗糖生产基地

a n**al base 海军基地。

vt.把…建立在基础上(on, upon);驻扎

usage: base a on b把a建立在b的基础之上。

be based on 以…为基础 = be on the basis of

eg: you should base your conclusion on facts.

the film is based on a true story.

derivative 1: basis n. 基础。

common expression: on a daily / weekly / regular basis = daily / weekly /regularly

eg: all rooms should be cleaned on a daily basis. 所有房间每天打扫一次。

derivative 2: basement n. 地下室。

vt. 忍受,承受;刻有;生育 n. 熊 be born 出生

usage 1: can’t bear / stand/ h**e (sb/sb’s) sth / doing 不能容忍(某人)做某事。

eg: i can’t bear that kind of selfishness. 我无法容忍那种自私。

peopl usually can’t bear beingunfairly treated. 人们通常不能容忍被不公正地对待。

usage 2: bear sth 承受,承担某物(eg: responsibility /stress/ costs / blame 责任/压力/成本/指责)

usage 3: bear sth刻有/印有/带有某标记。

eg: bear a scar in his face 脸上有道疤。

bear a slogan / a logo 印有口号/机构标识

usage 4: bear a child 生育小孩。

eg: she bore two sons and one daughter. 她生了两个儿子一个女儿。

phrase1: bear / keep sth in mind 牢记某事。

bear / keep in mind that 牢记某事。

eg: we’d better bear all the important vocabulary in mind.

please bear in mind that the medicine must be taken on schedule.

derivative: unbearable adj.难以忍受的。

eg: unbearable pain

vs. beard n. 胡须。

(beat, beaten) vt.打,击;打败vi. (心脏等)跳动n. (**的)拍子,节拍。

usage 1: beat sb打败某人 = defeat

eg: i believe we can beat the host team. 我相信我们能打败主队。

usage 2: beat sb /sth (连续地)打,击某人/某物。

eg: beat him unconscious 把他打昏

beathim black and blue把他打得青一块紫一块。

beat the window/ the drum 敲打着窗户/打鼓。

usage 3: my heart is beating fast after the dash. 猛冲之后,我心跳的厉害。

usage 4: the beat of the music / the city **节拍/城市节拍。

note:注意过去时是原形beat. (beat, beat, beaten) 比较(bite,bit, bitten)叮,蛰,咬。

vi. 举止端正;表现。

eg: beh**e like a child / gentleman 举止像小孩/绅士。

phrase: beh**e oneself 举止规矩。

eg: did my son beh**e himself when i was away?我不在时,我儿子守规矩吗?

derivative 1: well-beh**ed 守规矩的 badly-beh**ed 不守规矩的。

derivative 2: beh**ior n. 行为,举止。

a. 有益的 benefit vt. 有益于 vi. 得益 n. 益处;救济金;义演,义赛。

phrases: sb benefit from sth

=sth benefit sb

=sth is of benefit to sb

=sth is beneficial to sb

eg: our health benefits from sports.

=sports benefit our health.

=sports are of benefit to our health.

=sports are beneficial to our health.

phrase 5: benefit concert 慈善**会。

better 还是…好;最好还是。

usage: sb had better do sth

=may as well do sth

eg: you had better le**e him a note in case he forgets.

ad. 在更远处 prep. (指空间) 在……的那边;(指时间)迟于;(指范围)越出

eg: beyond the mountains 在山的那一边。

beyond midnight 午夜之后。

beyond the children’s reach 小孩子够不着。

** beyond imagination / description / words / belief / doubt / recognition 难以想象/难以描述/难以描述/难以置信/毫无疑问/无法辨认。

n.& vt. 指责;责怪。

phrase 1: blame sb for sth 因某事指责某人。

= blame sth on sb 把某事归咎于某人。

eg: mom blamed herself for danny’s problem.

=mom blamed danny’s problem on herself.

**phrase 2: sb is to blame for sth 应为某事承担责任;该为某事受到责备。

eg: he is not to blame for what happened. 出的事不该怪他。

vs. owe sth to sb 把某事归功于某人。

eg: helen owed her rapid recovery to her husband’s devoted care. 海伦把她的快速痊愈归功于她丈夫的精心照料。


08 09年时政英语核心词汇。经济类 句型补充。1 it s adj.不定式。注意 for 后的人称代词不能与for 前的形容词构成主谓关系。of后的人称代词能与for 前的形容词构成主谓关系。it s difficult easy important possible necessary for ...


1 abandon v.抛弃,遗弃,放弃。2 abnormal a.反常的,畸形的。3 aboard prep.在 船 飞机 火车 汽车等 上。4 abolish v.废除,废止。5 absolute a.完全,全部,绝对的。6 abstract a.n.抽象的,摘要 vt.提取。7 absurd ...


aabsence n.缺席,不在场,缺乏。absorb vt.吸收,使专心。academic adj.学院的,学术的。access n.接近,通道,入口。account n.记述,解释,账目。accuse vt.指责,归咎于。adapt vt.使适应,改编。admire vt.钦佩,羡慕,赞赏。ad...