
发布 2021-05-22 14:59:28 阅读 3053



1.it’s + adj. +不定式。

注意:for 后的人称代词不能与for 前的形容词构成主谓关系。

of后的人称代词能与for 前的形容词构成主谓关系。

it’s difficult/ easy/important/possible/ necessary for sb to do sth

it’s kind/ br**e/ nice/ good/ stupid/ wrong of sb to do sth

也可以说sb is kind/ br**e/ nice…to do sth)

2.it + be+ adj./n+ doing…句型。

there + be+ adj./n+ doing…句型。

it is no good/ use/ useless/ a waste of time/ senseless + doing…

there is no harm/ hurry/ sense/ point (in) doing sth

注意:there is no need / doubt/ possibility to do sth/ that 从句。


i vote for/ i am for the former/ latter opinion for the reasons below. (我支持前一种/后一种意见,原因如下)

for one thing, …for another (一方面,另一方面)

moreover/ in addition/ furthermore….

说明重要性 without…, we can not…

it can serve as a bridge in ….


build up one’s confidence (树立某人的信心)

get one’s idea across表达自己的想法)

express oneself fluently (流利地表达自己)

cultivate one’s interest/ confidence/ will power/perseverance/ (培养兴趣、信心、意志、毅力)

develop one’s sense of responsibility/the spirit of team work/ the spirit of cooperation


be beneficial to sb/ sth对…有利; get much benefit from sth从…中获益。

character development 个性发展。

one’s personality 个性。

relieve one’s burden/ pressure/ stress 缓解压力。

精神文明spiritual civilization

物质文明material civilization

增长知识broaden /enrich one's knowledge

扩大知识面 widen one’s knowledge

适应 adapt to sth/ doing sth

变化的环境 the changing environment

日益激烈的竞争 the increasingly fierce competition

it is a good opportunity for me to do sth对某人来说是做某事的好机会。

enable sb to do sth more efficiently 使某人能更有效地做某事。

it is a golden chance for me to show …对某人来说是个….的良机。

make some contributions to sth/ doing sth 对…做出贡献;有助于。

sth is the top priority for sb. 对某人来说,某事是优先考虑的/第一位的。

contribute to sth/ doing sth 有助于做某事。


everlasting 永久的。

take sth into consideration/ take it into consideration that…. 把…考虑在内。

precious memory which i will cherish in my heart在我内心中珍贵的记忆。

it is a person’s character and ability that really count/ matter.

tell something about one’s personal interest(个人性格) and taste(品味).

it is one’s accomplishment in self-cultivation (自我培养的提高)that makes the difference

make the difference有影响;有关系。

make no difference 没关系;没有影响。


vt.授予 奖品,奖项等 usage award sb sth award sth to sb 授予某人某奖项。eg award her a scholarship award a scholarship to her n.奖 奖品 奖状。eg grammy award 格莱美奖 academic ...


capture v.吸引,引起giant dam 巨大的水坝。at the mercy of 任凭 摆布drought n.干旱 ideal n.理想do one s bidding 听从某人的吩咐。fascinating adj.令人着迷的be fascinated 对 着迷。project n....


1 abandon v.抛弃,遗弃,放弃。2 abnormal a.反常的,畸形的。3 aboard prep.在 船 飞机 火车 汽车等 上。4 abolish v.废除,废止。5 absolute a.完全,全部,绝对的。6 abstract a.n.抽象的,摘要 vt.提取。7 absurd ...