
发布 2024-03-01 10:20:14 阅读 8037

unit 9 h**e you ever been to an amusement park?



1. 学习并掌握以下单词:

amusement neither

2. 掌握下列句型:

(1) h**e you ever been to an amusement park?

yes, i h**e.\ no, i h**en’t.

2) john has never been to the space museum.

3) i h**e been to the zoo a lot of times

4) i’ve never been to a water park.

3. 谈论过去的经历用“h**e/has been to…”

4. neither的用法。


1) 谈论过去的经历。

2) 加强英语的“听,说,读,写”,提高英语水平。

三、 情感目标。



1. 教学重点

1) 掌握本课时的重点单词和短语的用法。

2) h**e/has been to的用法。

3) neither的用法。

2. 教学难点。

1) h**e/has been to的用法。


step 1: 检查预习,自主学习。

检查预习。be (过去分词h**e not(缩写形式。







水上公园。step 2:

1. turn to page 68 and talk about the picture.

2. listen to the tape and do the exercises in 1b.

3. h**e been to用法:

h**e been to表示“到(去)过某处”,现在已不在那个地方。

eg: he has been to england.他曾到过英国。(现在已经不在英国了)

h**e you ever been to the great wall?你到过长城吗?(现在已经不在长城上)


1. 他去过北京。

2. 你去过游乐场吗?

3. 是的,我去过。/不,我没去过。

4. —我从没去过太空博物馆。


4. pairwork

step 3:

listening practice of 2a,2b

step 4: exercises

1 (完成单词)

i went to an a___park with my father yesterday.

i h**e n___been to a zoo, i’m going there tomorrow.

i h**e been to japan两次).

2 (选择题)

—i don’t want to watch tv.

a me too b me neither c me as well d so do i

─h**e you ever seen the film?

a no ,i h**e b yes,i h**en’t c yes ,i h**e d no ,i don’t

h**e you ever __to a water park?

a been b gone c went d go

h**e you___heard about the story?

a ever b never c yet d neither

3 (完成句子)


a: _your motherthe great wall?

b4 (根据上下文,填入一个合适的单词,补全对话。)

a: h**e you___been to a water park?

b: yes, i___i went there last year.__about you?

a: oh, i h**e __been there. i want to go there very you like to go __me?

b: that is a goodsee you tomorrow!

a: see you!

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