
发布 2024-02-28 21:05:05 阅读 8890

unit 1 how often do you exercise?

period 1 section a(1a-2c)

学习目标:a 知识目标:

恰当使用不同的活动名称,灵活运用如always,hardly ever,never,once, twice,

three times a week等频度副词及 how often等重要词组。

掌握句型: what do you usually do on weekends? how often do you exercise?

b 能力目标:描述课余时间的活动安排及饮食习惯,初步培养学生的语言综合运用能力。




what do you/they usually do on weekends?

how often does cheng watch tv?

教学难点:1)how often 句型及频度副词。

before you learn】









句型。1. -what do you usually do on weekends? -i usually play soccer.

第一个do 为助动词, 在这起帮助构成疑问的作用;而第二个 do 则是实义动词。


2. how often do you exercise? every day.

how often + 助动词do(does或did) +主语 + do sth. ?

疑问词how often用来提问频率(多经常), 在这里助动词do(does或did) 是起帮助构成疑问的。

练习: 根据上面的例句和p2上2a中的信息完成对话。

举一反三:often do you often go the movies2

once a month

---i wonderyou’ll water this kind of tree.

---once a week.

a. how often b. how long c. how soon d. how far

while you learn】

step 1: free talk (about your vacation)

you enjoy your summer vacation?

2. what did you do ?

step 2: check the answers of ⅰand ⅱ in before you learn

step 3: let’s play a game –brain storm (ppt)

what do you usually do on weekends? -i...

what does he/she do on weekends? -she/he...

step 4:pairwork. talk about the picture in 1a.

step 5:listen to the tape and finish 1b.

step 6:listen to the tape and fill in the blank.

reporter : what do you usually do on weekends?

boy 1 : iexercise.

girl 1 : igo shopping.

boy 2: eeeeew… igo shopping.

i can’t stand shopping.

girl 2 : igo skateboarding.

boy 2: and iwatch tv.

reporter : how about you ?

girl 3 : iwatch tv. i love reading.

reporter : oh,why is that?

girl 3 : oh,i don’t guess i just like books.


step 7: learn some new words and phrases.(一般放句尾)

once a week/month/yeartwice a week/month/year

three times a week/month/yearfour times a week/month/year

step 8 pairwork.

step 9:listening time. listen to the tape and finish 2a and 2b

step 10: make some sentences according to 2a and 2b.

step 11: pairwork in 2c.

step 12: grammar focus

1. exercise

1) v. 锻炼,运动。

如does tom汤姆多久锻炼一次。

2)n. 既可以做可数名词,又可以作不可数名词。当它作“锻炼,运动”讲时,是不可数名词;


you should take more你必须多锻炼。

we do morningevery day. 我们每天都做早操。

练习: he hardly takesso the doctor asks him to do some running and morning

a. exercises; exercises b. exercise; exercise

c. exercises; exercise exercises

2. hardly

hard adj. 形容词: 困难的,硬的。

副词: 努力地,猛烈地。

hardly adv。 副词:几乎不表示否定含义。

练习: lookedat the blackboard but couldsee anything.


2. hegoes to the concert. 他很少去听**会。


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