
发布 2024-02-17 17:25:03 阅读 8430

一、 听录音,选择单词并填写,补全句子。


b:hi, are yourhobbies/ hobby)

a:i likesing/singing). i often

sing/sings) about you?

b:i likedancing/dance) what are your father’s


a:helike/likesdo/doing) word

puzzles. he oftendo/does) word puzzles .


1、学习(原形) 2、学习(三单形式) 3 远足 4、谜。

三。 单词与汉语意思连线。

pen pal 爱好shall射门。

hobby 笔友goal加入。

idea 令人惊奇的join 征求意见。

amazing 茉莉club分享。

jasmine 想法share 俱乐部。

四。 单项选择。

)1. –what are oliver’s hobbies

a. he like cooking. b. he likes cooking. c. he likes to cooking.

)2. —does he live in hong kong ?

a .no,he does. b. yes,he doesn’t. he does.

) likes __and __kung fu.

a . sing, doing b. singing , doing c .singing, do

( )4i like doing word puzzles.

a. how do you go to qingdao?

b. what are your hobbies? c. where does he work ?

)5. —does john __in jinan ? no, he doesn’t. he___in suzhou.

a. live, lives . b. lives, live c. living, live

)6 .he __chinese on sundays.

a. study b. studying c. studies

)7. –does your father work? -he works at sea.

a . what b. how c .where

)8. –does your father go to work? -he goes to work by bike.

a . what b. how c .where

)9. –does your mother do? -she is a worker.

a . what b. how c .where

)10、what __your father do?

a. does c. do

)11、where does he __

a. work b. works c working

( )12、i’m going to the supermarket __

morning b now c. on the weekend

)13、 what are you going to do tomorrow?

i’m __draw some pictures.

a. go to b going to c. does

)14、mike and i __going to the cinema tonight.

a. am b. is


( )1.你想知道对方有什么爱好,应该说___

a. what do you do? b. what are your hobbies?

c. where are you going?

) 2. 当有人询问你好朋友的爱好时,应该说___

a. i like dancing. b. he can cook. likes cooking.

)3 同学们在一起讨论周末计划,你想知道你的好朋友有什么打算,你可以问:

a. what do you do on your weekend ? b. what are you going to do this weekend?


a. what do you do? likes going hiking.

he like going hiking?

六。 阅读短文,判断对错,对的写t, 错的写f.

it’s cold today. mary feels cold and she can’t get up on time. her mother asks her.

“what’s wrong?” i feel very cold. maybe i am ill.

” mary answers. her mother is worried and says,” let’s go to the hospital and see a doctor. i’m sure you’ll be better soon.

”( )warm today..

) feels cold.

) mother is worried.

) should go to the cinema.

) 5. mary should see a doctor.

七.仿照例句,写出相似的句子。 注意书写规范。

mother is a doctor. she works in a hospital. she goes to work by car.



2. i’m going to the bookstore. i’m going to buy a book.

i’m going tomorrow.请写一写你的计划吧。分别从去**,做什么,什么时间去三个方面来写。

3. i like dancing. my father likes reading.



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