
发布 2024-02-17 10:35:19 阅读 2224





)1. a. bike b. bus





)1. a. bike b. busc. by

)2. a. train b. rainc. plane

)3. a. same b. shipc. stop

)4. a. howb. nowc. know

)5. a. always b. subway c. wait



1. -how do you go to school?

- i go to school by

2. -where is the

- go straight and then turn left. it’s near the bank.

3. -do you know therules?

- sorry,i don’t know.

4. -how do you go to beijing?

- i go there by

5. -how can i get to the park?

you can gosubway.


)1. a. i go home by trainb. i go to school by bike.

)2. a. my home is near the post office. b. i go home at 6:00.

)3. a. i can see 2b. you can go by bus.

)4. a. yes,i canb. sure.

)5. a. 3b. 2.


)1. a. red light b. green light c. yellow light d. traffic rule

)2. a. subway b. busc. biked. park

)3. a. school b. bikec. parkd. kindergarten

)4. a. canada b. traffic rule c. traffic light d. traffic jam

)5. a. first b. thenc. meand. next


)1. a. leaf b. please c. tead. bread

)2. a. pig b. timec. fifth d. music

)3. a. spring b. swing c. thind. dish

)4. a. green b. eatc. peach d. three

)5. a. in b. itc. isd. hi


1. the,office,post,near,home,my,is

2. stop,we,go,to,bus,can,the,by,bus

3. park,how,you,to,do,the,go

4. park,how,to,the,go,i,can

5. no.,go,can,you,farm,to,the,bus,32,by,the


)1. usually i go to the usa by subway.

)2. in china,drivers drive on the right side of the road.

)3. in china,the green light is on the left of the traffic lights.

)4. usually i go to school on foot,because it’s fast.

)5. in fall,it’s sunny and cool.


wu:excuse me,how do we get to the people’s park?

man:you can go there by the no.5 bus,or you can go on foot.

wu:how do we go on foot?

man:it’s easy. turn left at the traffic lights. the park is near a tall office building.

wu:thank you very much. hurry up! zhang peng.

zhang:no!the light is red. stop!

wu:that’s right. we h**e to wait.

zhang:now,it’s green. let’s go.

)1. wu yifan and zhang peng want to go to the park on foot.

)2. wu yifan follows the traffic rules.

)3. wu yifan want to go at a red light.

)4. the people’s park is near the lights.

)5. turn right at the traffic lights,then they can get to the park.


amy: zhang peng. let’s go to the park this morning.

zhang peng: great! how do we go to the park?

amy: it’s easy. come to my home by bike,then we can go there by bus.

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