小学六年级英语上册知识点小结归纳整理 第六单元测试题

发布 2024-02-17 10:35:19 阅读 8475




1、 at 用在点时间前面

in +月份/季节/morning/afternoon/evening

on+星期/ 具体到几号。

2、 动词三单直接加-s/es

go---goes do—does teach---teaches watch---watches \


3 动词现在分词

a : 直接加ing play---playing

b:去e加ing h**e---h**ing make --******

take---taking come---comingcelebrate---celebrating smile --smiling


c:双写加ing swim---swimming

4、can 后加动词原形 will 后加动词原形 let 后加动原。

5、want to 动词 would like to 动词。

6、be interested in 动词ing be busy 动词ing

like +动词ing enjoy +动词ing

7 名词复数

story---stories hobby---hobbies

baby---babies candy ==candies

leaf===le**es child---children

8比较级。warm---warmer short---shorter long---longer


9 最高级。


10 i’ll=i will don’t=do not i’d like=i would like

doesn’t=does not let’s = let us

11 i (宾格) me colour (形容词)colourful

easy(反义词)difficult long(反义词) short

go (反义词) come

12 one(序数词) first two(序数词)second

three(序数词)third five(序数词)fifth

eight(序数词)eighth nine(序数词)ninth


13 过生日的简单过程:

1、light the candles; 2、sing the birthday 3、make a wish

4、blow out the candles; 5、cut the cake 6、eat the cake




. he is2. they are3. he is

4. she is5. he is



a. b. c.

d. e. )1you should see a doctor.

)2. you should wear warm clothes.

)3. you should take a deep breath.

)4. you should count to ten.

)5. you should do more exercise.


) ill.

a. feel b. feels c. do

)2. what’s this cartoon___

b. at c. about

)3. they are afraid of __

a. he b. him c. his

)4. my father is angry with___

a. i b. my c. me

)5. how __mike feel? not well.

a. do b. is c. does

)6. what’s___i feel sad

a. thisb. wrong c. matter

)7. _should i do?

a. what b. where c. who

)8. i am cold. i should __warm clothes.

a. where b. wear c. put

)9. she___happy.

a. feel b. feels c. are

)10. _he feel bad?

a. is b. do c. does


1. you should count to ten.(对划线部分提问)

i do?2. they are at home.(对划线部分提问)

they?3. the cat is afraid.(变一般疑问句,并做否定回答。)

___the cat __no, it __

4. mike feels sad.(对划线部分提问)

mike feel?

5. he works in a gym.(变一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

he __6. mary has a cat. (对划线部分提问)

mary __


)1. where is the cinema? a. he is happy.

)2. what should i dob. he is a businessman.

)3. how does he feel now? c. yes, he does.

)4. what does your father do? d. you should see a doctor.

)5. does he live in linyi? e. it’s next to the bookstore.


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一 单词 词组 50个 museum博物馆post left向左转turn right向右转go straight直行onfoot步行bybus乘公共汽车byplane乘飞机by ship乘船by train乘火车by taxi乘出租车stop停slow慢的wait等待see a film看电影ta...


六 完全形式和缩略形式 not wasn t not weren t is there s not can t not couldn t are we re not isn t not shouldn t not don t not doesn t not didn t us let s is am...