
发布 2024-02-17 06:50:17 阅读 9179




unit1 how can i get there?


重点单词:where** how 怎样 can能够 near近的 ask 问 tell 告诉 far远的 science科学 hospital 医院 museum 博物馆 postoffice 邮局 library图书馆 bookstore 书店

usually通常 sometimes有时候 often 经常 know知道 near旁边 next to旁边(比near更近) crossing 十字路口 turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转 go straight直走 in front of在…的前面 behind在。的后面。

必背词组:turn left左转 turn right右转 go straight直走at the first crossing在第一个十字路口on the left 在左边on the right 在右边。

重点知识:1.乘坐某种交通工具用by,例如:by bike, by train。而走路用“on”例如on foot.

2.国家名字,地方名字第一个字母要大些:例如:canada加拿大, china中国, america美国,england英国,australia澳大利亚。



usually i go to school by bus. =i usually go to school by bus.

4. near近的,far远的。这两个词是一对反义词。注意:not near= far, not far = near.

5.时间前面用at.例如:在三点钟:at 3 o’clock.

6.交通灯traffic lights,交通规则:traffic rules。

这大部分的国家都是靠右行驶的:drivers drive on the right side of the road.记住england and australia, drivers drive onthe left side of the road.


7. on foot= walk,都是走路的意思,但是用法不同,on foot用在句子末尾,而walk用法与go相同,可以代替go的位置。例如:

走路回家:walk home 走路去上学:walk to school 走路去上班walk to work 走路去医院walk to the hospital

单元语法:1. where is the …?

it’s next to/ in front of/behind/near/beside/on the left of/on the right of the ….询问地点和方位;记住这些方位词)

can i/we get there? turn right at the school. then go straight.

how can i/we get to the science museum? it’s over there. you can go by/take the no.

15 bus.

问路,可以有很多灵活的回答,告知怎么走或告知交通方式,前面最好加上excuse me。)

3. 记住以下12个疑问词:what(什么) where(**) who(谁) which(哪一个) how(怎么样) when(什么时候) what time(什么时间) how many(多少数量) how much(多少钱) why(为什么) whose(谁的) how old(多大)

4. buy a postcard(买一张明信片) send a postcard(寄一张明信片)

5. i’ll = i will

talking robot(一个说话的机器人)

7. what a great museum! (感叹句,多么伟大/棒的一个博物馆啊!)

8. there is a pet hospital in my city.

there are some bookstores in my city.

is there a pet hospital in your city?

are there any bookstores in my city?

there be句型的单复数、肯定句和一般疑问句形式回忆起来)

9. what an interesting film!


10. italian restaurant (意大利餐厅)

12. on dongfang street (注意介词)

13. work 有多种意思,比如工作;奏效,起作用,需根据上下文来理解。

unit2ways to go to school


重点单词:by bike骑自行车 by bus坐公车 by train坐火车by plane坐飞机 by ship坐轮船 by subway坐地铁 by taxi乘出租车 on foot= walk走路 excuse me打扰一下 please请 buy买 want to想要 a pairof一双 get on上车 get off下车 turn left左转 turn right右转 am上午 pm下午 now现在 look for寻找stop停止wait等待 get to到达 driver司机 must必须。

重点知识:must 必须(后+动词原形) pay attention to 注意 traffic lights交通灯early早的→(反义词)late晚的 walk步行 touch接触,触动fast快的→(反义词)slow慢的 bus→(复数)buseschild儿童→(复数)children different不同的→(反义词)same相同的

重点句式:1. how do you go to school?

i often go by bus. (去,代表当事人不在学校)how do you come to school? usually i come on foot.

sometimes i come by bus. (来,说明当事人在学校)(区分go和come的区别,复习课本p20)

2. 表示频率的词:always(总是,一直) usually(通常,大多数时候) often(经常,常常) sometimes(有时候) never(从不)

3. you must pay attention to the traffic lights. (注意)


good exercise. (那是很好的运动/锻炼)

6. how do you get to the usa from china? (你怎样从中国到美国? 注意从**到**)

7. one可以表示数量一,也可以作代词,指代前面提到的事或物,应根据上下文来理解。

at a green light. (肯定)

don’t go at the red light. (否定)(需关注否定形式,前面加don’t)

必须,表示主观)h**e to(不得不,表示客观) should(应该)

10. slow down and stop at a yellow light. stop and wait at a red light.

go at a green light.


11. a lot of=lots of (许多)和a little(一点)为反义词。

12. fast(快的)和slow(慢的)是反义词。

13. by sled(坐雪橇) by ferry(坐轮渡)

unit3what are you going to do?


重点单词:take a trip旅行read a magazine读一本杂志go to the cinema去看电影 plant trees种树this morning今天上午this afternoon今天下午 this evening今天晚上dictionary字典next week下个星期tomorrow明天 tonight今晚busy忙碌的go home回家 post card明信片comic book漫画书 news*****报纸

重点句子:1. what are you going to do on the weekend?周末你将要做什么?

2. i’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend.我将要去拜访我的祖父母。

3. i’m going to h**e a busy weekend!我将要度过一个忙碌的周末。

going to the supermarket with my mother.我将要和我妈妈去超市。

5. where are you going this afternoon?今天下午你将要去哪?

6. i’m going to the bookstore.我将去书店。

7. what are you going to buy?你将要买什么?

8. i’m going to buy a comic book.我将要去买一本漫画书。


六年级pep上册知识点总结。unit 1 how can i get there?知识点归纳。library图书馆 post office 邮局。六年级pep上册知识点总结。unit 1 how can i get there?知识点归纳。library图书馆 post office 邮局。hosp...

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PEP六年级英语上册知识点复习 人教版

人教版小学英语六年级上册知识点unit1 howcanigetthere?一 四会单词 科学2.博物馆 3.邮局4.书店5.电影院 6.医院 7.十字路口 8.转弯 9.左 10.笔直地 11.右 二 三会单词。的。过。去。式。三 习惯语搭配 学习永无止境。范文。邮局 2.科学博物馆3.宠物医院4....