
发布 2020-05-18 22:49:28 阅读 6115



/da:k/ /bi:n/ /festvl/


w:ld/ /wnt/

二、 朗读句子。(每个句子5分,共25分)

1. sally can’t go to school today because she doesn’t feel very well.

2. help yourself to some dumplings.

3. can we invite all my friends?

4. we started school later and finished earlier.

5. chinese people usually clean and decorate our houses before spring festival.


1. do you like panyu?

2. are you chinese or british?

3. what’s the capital of the usa?

4. who is the tallest boy in your class?

5. how do you usually go to school?

6. where would you like to go this sunday?

7. what time do you get up every day?

8. what are you going to do after school?

9. did you go shopping yesterday?




/mst/ /spi:k/ /hp/

/went/ /kptllet/

mu:n/ /sanddjr/

二、 朗读句子。(每个句子5分,共25分)

1. london is the capital of britain.

2. we h**e lots of parties and no school.

3. shall we go shopping in xiajiu road?

4. i marked your homework and prepared today’s lesson.

5. there are famous flower fairs in guangzhou before spring festival.


1. is sydney the largest city of australia?

2. did you play computer games yesterday?

3. what’s the capital of the uk?

4. which city would you like to tr**el?

5. would you like to go the beijing with me this winter holiday?

6. what’s your f**ourite festival?

7. where is the kangroo from?

8. what’s the weather like today?

9. do you want to h**e a party for your birthday this year?



一 组词。术在必得。会量。y 记zh 度。口同声布。不容辞专心。二 把错别字 音 圈出来,并在括号内改正过来。1 倘若国藉精至。2 插种机械旗枳。3 池溏小心翼翼有侍无恐。4 火炬滔滔不决茫然失挫。5 树荫蔚为壮观泰然自若。6 拾金不味不知所错泰然自若扶老携幼 7 同心协力全神关注理直气状一丝不苟 ...


unit one how do you go there?一 翻译下列单词。乘公汽乘火车乘轮船乘飞机乘地铁骑自行车步行到达。交通规则停 等待 交通灯。二 根据英语译汉语。righthoweverifmust knowmeanalways 三 翻译下列句子。1.你怎么上学的。2.我经常骑自行车上学。有...


拼写大擂台。q n shu ny n s nch n hp b d u qi oj ng y ng 清爽吟诵唱和瀑布陡峭晶莹 xi kj n m zhu suxi o xi nqi o lk ji 侠客静谧追随小巷峭壁枯竭 y u ybi n r n ku whu n yuq n cuk sou 优...