2019新版小学英语六年级上 讲评unit3 期中

发布 2024-02-16 02:30:11 阅读 7023











一、 判断划线部分的发音,相同的打对号,不同的打错号。

)1. meat bread ( 2. but bus

)3. idea peach ( 4. rice right

)5. post nose ( 6. always face

)7. elephant set ( 8. seven strong

) bike ( 10. south the

二、 请用直线把汉语与相应的英语单词连接起来。(20分)


planenorth minute shipwant subway always south know west

三、 请在b栏中找出a栏句子的答语,将其字母代号填在括号中。

ab )how do you go to schoola. you can go by the no.5 bus.

)can i go on footb. no, it’s not far.

)how can i go to the zooc. sure, if you like.

)is it far from hered .it’s near the hospital.

) where is the cinemae. usually i go on foot.

)where is the bookstoref. my home is near the cinema.

)what are you going to dog .i am going at 3 o’clock.

)where are you going this evening? h. i’m going to play football.

)when are you goingi. it’s east of the cinema.

)where is your homej . i’m going to the bookstore.


)1、-_your birthdayit’s on the 1st of may.

a 、what’s b、when’s c、where’s

)2、-is the running raceyes, it is.

a 、excited b、exciting c、excite

)3、my birthday isa 、come b、coming c、comes

)4、my birthday is on the __of november. a 、twelve b、twelveth c、twelfth

)5、i’d like a big cake __lots of strawberries __my birthday party.

a 、of, for b、with, as c、with, for

)6、it was therea 、now b、just now c、a moment

)7、lucy __to go shopping with her mother. a 、want b、wants c、wanting

)8、the earphones __on the sofa. a 、is b、are c、was

)9、the students are __the match now. a 、looking at b、seeing c、watching

)10、-what does itit___you shouldn’t touch it.

a 、mean, means b、means, mean c、means, means


1. 红灯停at a red

2. 请看这些漫画书。 look at thesebooks

3. 我坐火车去北京。 i go to beijing

4. 今天下午我准备去邮局。 i’m going to the postthis

5. 今天上午我去了银行。i went to the bank


1 there is a letter forshe) mother.

2、 give __he) a toy, please.

3、 hego) to the park now.

4yougo) to school every day?

5、 my mothernotlike) english. shelike) chinese.

6、 when___yougo ) to school? i __go) to school at five every day.

7、 he___is ) ill yesterday.

8 __they watch tv on sundays? yes, they __


1. i’m going to shanghai by飞机).

2如何) do you go to the park?

3. i’m going to buy a comic book this早上).

4. go straight, then turn左边).

5. what are you going to do下周).


a)i am a bird. i fly in the sky. i like the clouds.

they are pretty. i live in a tree. the tree is near a river.

there aren’t any fish in the river. there is only one tree. i feel lonely.

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