
发布 2024-02-17 03:05:11 阅读 7241


unit1 how do you go there?

period 1

一。 英汉互译。


train__ subway___

二。 单项选择题。

1. how__you go to school?

i go to school on foot.

a. do b. does c. are

2. how do you go to school?

i go to school__bus

a. on b. by c. take

3. how do you go to canada?

i go to school__plane

a. on b. by c. take

4. _do you go to school?

i go to school__bike

a. what, on b. what, by c. how, by

period 2

一。 连词成句。

1. you, how , to, do , go, school?

2. by, i, to, go, school, bike

3. to, i, on , the, park, go, foot

二。 英汉互译。




三。 根据首字母填单词。

1. i go to school by b__,my home is far from school

go to school o__ foot, what about you ?

do you go to school? i go to school by bus

period 3

一、 单项选择。

1. _do we go to the park?

a. how b. what c. where

2. we go to the park__bike.

a. on b. by c. take

3. see you__ 2 o`clock.

a. on b. in


( )1、a、yellow b、rules c、red

( )2、a、on foot b、by plane c、by

( )3、a、school b、china c、canada

( )4、a、fifth b、one c、fourth

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period 4

一。 单项选择。

1.__at a red light.

a. go b. stop c. wait

2. _at a yellow light.

a. go b. wait c. stop

3. look__the traffic lights.

a. in b. at

4. go__a green light.

a. in b. at c. on


1,交通灯__ 2.交通规则__

3.去上学__ 4红灯停__

5.绿灯行__ 6.黄灯等__


1. traffic look the look at lights

2. the traffic remember rules

3. at wait yellow light a

stop at light a

period 5

一。 单项选择。

1. why do you go there by plane?

_ it’s far.

a. and b. because c. but

2. yellow means__.

a. stop b. go c. wait

3. we live on__second floor.

a. the b. ac. /

4. how can i__the library?

a. gets to b. get c. get to

5. you can go there__the no. bus.

a. take b. by


) i go by busa. great.

) is the post officeb. it’s near the zoo.

) you at 4 0’clockc. sure.

) go to the supermarketd. see you then.

) do you go to schoole. on foot.


often go to zoo by bus(对画线部分提问)

_ _often go to the zoo?


look at thea yellow light

period 6



_ can i __beihai park.

2. 你可以成乘坐15路公共汽车。

you can go__ the 15 bus.

3. 在这个国家,我们必须知道交通规则。

in the country, we__ know the__


i go homeyou?


the bus __at this bus__.


1. there always three lights: red, yellow and green.( 在每个国家总有三种交通灯;红灯,黄灯,绿灯。

2. yellow light means “go”.(黄灯意思是“行”

3. in china, drivers drive on the right side of the road.( 在中国,司机靠马路右侧行车。

4. in the us, drivers drive on the left side.( 在美国,司机靠左侧行车。

5. if you go on foot, you don’t h**e to know the traffic rules.( 如果你步行,你就不必知道交通规则。

unit 2 where is the science museum?

period 1


1.邮局__ 2. 医院__ 3.电影院__

4. 书店__ 5.图书馆__ 6.科学博物馆__


the library?

a is b are c do

2. _is the hospital?

it’s near the post office.

a what b where c when

3. _is the library.

it’s in front of the school.

a what b when c where


1.is, where, library, the (?

2. post office, near, the, it’s (.

3 .hospital, the, where, is (?

4. front, in, cinema, it’s, of, the(.)

period 2

一. 单项选择。

me, where is the library?

it’s__ the cinema.

a next b next to c at

2. there__ the cinema near here.

yes, there is.

a are b is c do

3. if you want to see a doctor, you can go to the __

a hospital b library c cinema

4. is there a cinema near your home?

a yes, there isn’t. .b yes, there is. c no, there is.



2. 它在书店附近。


period 3


far__ the shop

2019新版PEP小学六年级上册unit1 4教案

unit 1第4课时设计者。1.在上节课学习的基础上继续进行问路与指路的交流。教学要点2.能够正确听 说 认读turn right left go straight,crossing和how can i get there?where is?等句型进行交流。3.能够听懂 会说 会表演let stal...


pep小学英语六年级上册 开学第一课 一 教材分析 小学英语的第四年学习,二级目标的最后一年。与其他教材一样有扉页 人物介绍等内容。话题分别是 交通 位置 计划 爱好 常规工作 自然循环 本册书教材中的内容记录如下 1.四会71个短语 10组句子 7个单句。能在真实语境中正确运用并能读懂简短语篇。2...


2018 2018学年度六年级英语上册第三次测试。出题人 通榆县明德刘大军。听力部分 30分。一 听录音,选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里 每小题1分,共10分 1.a.fishermanb.actressc.artist 2.a.bikeb.busc.busy 3.a.do ...