
发布 2024-02-17 02:55:11 阅读 8444



听力部分 30分。

一、听录音, 选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里(每小题1分,共10分)

)1. a. fishermanb. actressc. artist

)2. a. bikeb. busc. busy

)3. a. do word puzzles b. collecting le**es c. going hiking

)4. a. comes fromb. come onc. comes out

)5. a. differentb. differencec. dictionary

)6. a. driveb. divec. diving

)7. a. science museum b. post officec. bookstore

)8. a. fallb. fourc. feel

)9. a. get onb. get offc. get to

)10. a. happyb. hobbyc. hospital


)1. a. she’s going this saturday. b. she’s going by car.

c. she’s going to the nature park.

)2. a. by planeb. by car. c. by bus

)3. a. he lives in canada. b. he likes playing the piano.

c. he goes to school by taxi.

)4. a. he likes drawing. b. his hobby is swimming.

c. he’s a doctor.

)5. a. you can a coach. b. you can a police offecer.

c. you can a doctor


1、excuse me. how can i get to theplease.

2、i am going to buy some __books.

3、are thethe same in every country.

4、first, gothenat the cinema. theis

on the .

笔试部分 70分。


1. 下周三 第三人称单数) (同音词。

4. pen pal (同义词) _复数)__名词)

7.学习努力 8.保持健康 (同音词)

形容词) 五、根据括号内的单词填写适当的形式,(10分)

1. she likesread) books.

2. my father oftenwatch) tv after supper.

3. tom and alicelike)listening to music.

4. amynot)g to school on the weekend

六、单项选择 (10分)


)3.. what is john’s hobby

a. i like drawing. b. he likes drawing. c. he like drawing.



)6. i’m going tobuy) a story book.

a. )7. you must __at a red light.

a. gob. wait c. stop

)8. i liveenglandmy parents.

a. and; inb. with; atc. in; with

) hospital is __the left.

a. for b .in c. on

( )10. you must __at a red light.

a. go b. wait c. stop

七、(读一读,找答语) (5分)



aunt is a factory worker.(对画线部分提问)

your aunt

goes to work by car. (对画线部分提问)

he go to work?

grandpa lives in a small village. (改为一般疑问句)

your grandpain a small village ?

goes to school by the no.6 bus. (同义句)

the mice the with cat is (.连词成句)

十、读短文,回答问题 (10分)



2018 2018学年度六年级英语上册第三次测试。出题人 通榆县明德刘大军。听力部分 30分。一 听录音,选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里 每小题1分,共10分 1.a.fishermanb.actressc.artist 2.a.bikeb.busc.busy 3.a.do ...


小学英语六年级上册堂堂清训练题。unit1 how do you go there?period 1 一。英汉互译。1.步行 2.乘自行车 3.乘公共汽车 train subway 二。单项选择题。1.how you go to school?i go to school on foot.a.do ...


pep小学英语六年级上册 开学第一课 一 教材分析 小学英语的第四年学习,二级目标的最后一年。与其他教材一样有扉页 人物介绍等内容。话题分别是 交通 位置 计划 爱好 常规工作 自然循环 本册书教材中的内容记录如下 1.四会71个短语 10组句子 7个单句。能在真实语境中正确运用并能读懂简短语篇。2...