
发布 2024-02-17 02:55:11 阅读 9729

一、英汉互译 (10分)



5、到达那儿6、visit my grandparents

7、my twelfth birthday8、in front of the library

9、turn left10、take a trip

二、读一读,用所给单词的正确形式填空 (15分)

1. tv every saturday evening.

2. look! zhang pengplay) basketball.

3. there are twoboard) in our classroom.

4. i h**e a dream(梦). i wantbe) a player like yao ming.

5. it’s 11:30. ih**e) lunch at 12:30.

6. you cango) straight first, then turn right.

7. miss cai is a good teacher. we all likeshe)

8. sometimes i goswim) in a pool.

9. don’ttalk) ,please! we are h**ing a class!

10. i like yi jianlian . i likeplay) basketball


1. (i am going to h**e a party this sunday.

a. on b. inc. /

2. (how can i the post office?

a. get to b. get offc. get on

3. there a chinese book and two story books in the bag.

a. isb. amc. are

4. (look at book. it’s english book.

a. the, the b. an, the c. the, an

5. (where is your mother? -she a cake in the kitchen.

a. bake b. is baking c. baking

6. (waa! you are so pretty (漂亮的。

a. thanks. b. i am sorry. c. don’t say that

7. (if you are hungry, you can go to the

a. library b. restaurant c. science museum

8. (he often buys some books plants.

a. about b. ofc. at

9. (i go to the supermarket my mother every saturday.

a. after b. with c. at

10( )is my math teacher. is a good teacher .

a. she b. hisc. he

11( )what __your mother going to do?

a. is b. are c. am d. be

12( )i’m going to the cinema this weekend.

a. onb. inc. atd. /

13( )i’m going to the supermarket my mom.

a. forb. of c. with d. and

14are you going? —this afternoon.

a. where b. what c. when d. how

15( )what are you going toa comic book.

a. bebc. dod. buy


1. 我骑自行车去上学。

i go to school

2. 绿灯行。

at a green light.


i go4.—今天下午你要去**?

are you going this


i’m going toa


1. how , i , go , to , can , school ,?

2. look , the , at , traffic , lights .

3. when , going , are , you , going , are , to , do , you , by , i , go , to , bike .

6. i go to school on foot. (对划线部分提问,每空一词)

you go to school ?

7. i am going to play the piano this weekend. (划线提问,每空一词)

are you going to this weekend ?

8. jim is going to play football after school. (变否定句,每空一词)

jimgoing to play football after school.

9. are .three. in. country. there. lights. every .traffic (连词成句)

10. get .hospital .how .i .to .the. can (连词成句)


)1. where are you going tomorrowa. tomorrow morning.

)2. when are you goingb. a dictionary.

)3. what are you going to buyc. i’m going to the library.

)4. is it far from hered. it’s near your school.

)5. where is the bookstoree. no,

七、阅读理解 (20分)


学校 班级 姓名。元宝山镇中心校。2011 2012学年度上学期期中试卷。听力部分 30分 一 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。5分 bikec.on foot 2.a.howb.wherec.which 3.a.stopb.waitc.go 4.a.turn leftb....


小学2011 2012学年度第一学期。六年级英语期中试卷。班级姓名成绩 i.听力部分。一 听写单词。10分 二 听音标号。10分 ii.笔试部分。三 默写字母。10分 1 默写字母aa jj。2 默写五个元音字母。四 英汉短语互译。10分 在学校请原谅。11天在文具盒中。用英语middle scho...


小学六年级英语上学期期中调研测试。听力部分60分 一 listen and choose.下面五个小题中,每题有三个单词。仔细听录音,请把你所听单词选出来,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。每个单词读三遍。10分 north b.south c.bus stop b.straight.c.ship dr...