
发布 2024-02-17 02:50:11 阅读 7777






) 1. a. by busb.

by bikec. on foot() 2. a.

howb. wherec. which() 3.

a. stopb. waitc.

go) 4. a. turn leftb.

on the leftc. on the right() whatb. wherec.

when二、听问句,找答语,并在答案前标号。(10分)()he’s going to buy a magazine.()no,i’m not.

)you can go by bus.

)i’m going to the cinema with john.()usually i go to school by bike.三、听录音,选择答案。(10分)

)1 a. on footb. by plane

)2 a. no, there isn’t.()3 left at the a minute.

()4 to the this evening.()da ming lake四。听音,补充下面对话中缺少的单词。

(5分)amy:how do we go to thechen: we can go

go straight from

it‘s next to thecome on! let’s go!amy:no! wait a minute. it‘s a



) 1. /i: /a.

treeb. beatc. tead.

red() 2. /i /a. pigb.

bikec. dishd. pink() 3.

/e /a. getb. mec.

bedd. seven() 4. /ei /a.

planeb. catc. fand.

apple() 5. /


)1、——where is the cinema?——it’s next___thehospital.

a onb toc in

) 2、turn rightthe onb atc to

) 3、——where is the post office?

—it’s west___the science ofb atc to

) 4、what are you going to do on the weekend?.ai’m going by it’s next to the shoe going to reada magazine.

) 5are you going?this whereb whenc what

) 6、it’s not far___tob atc from() straight __three minutes.

a atb andc for

)8. _sunday,i’m going to the zoo __subway.

a. on, onb. on,byc. in, at

)9. her father is __tv now.

a watchingb going to watchc go to watch()10.__can i get to pet school? 六、读一读,找出合适的答语。

(10分)()1. what are you going to do ?(2.

when are you going ?(3. where are you going ?

)4. how do you go to the zoo ?(5. are you going to the library ?


going to take a ,we are.

going at 3 0’ going to beijing.

七、把下列单词按正确的顺序排列。(10分)1、are wherethis you going afternoon?

2、nextit’sthe to hospital .

3、are towewatchgoing tv .

4、howyou do therego ?

5、at light stop red a .


usually __get) up at 7:00 in the morning.2.

look, the rabbit isjump) on the grass.3. she is going to __read) a magazine this afternoon.

4. wedo) morning exercises now.5.

i canplay) football.九、给句子填上合适的介词。(5分)


am going to the cinemamy friend.2monday ,i am going to play football.

it far __here?

are you going to do___the readingat school.



a: what are youto doschool?

b: i __to buy some post cards. _is the post office?a: it’sto the hospital.

b: how can ito the hospital?

a:youcango___on the thank you’re welcome.


hi!i’ i'm going to the bookstore by subway. i’m going to with my mother.

we’re going after lunch. then, inthe evening, i’m going to visit my aunt. we are going to watch tvtogether.

that will be fun! what about you? what are you goingto do on the weekend?

)1. liu yun is going to buy a dictionary on saturday.()2.

on sunday, liu yun is going to the supermarket with hermother.

)3. she isgoing to go home at five o’clockon sunday.()4.

she is going to visit my aunt after lunch.()5. she is going to h**e a busy weekend.


一 英汉互译 10分 1 交通规则2 漫画书。3 这个周末4 看杂志。5 到达那儿6 visit my grandparents 7 my twelfth birthday8 in front of the library 9 turn left10 take a trip 二 读一读,用所给单词的...


小学2011 2012学年度第一学期。六年级英语期中试卷。班级姓名成绩 i.听力部分。一 听写单词。10分 二 听音标号。10分 ii.笔试部分。三 默写字母。10分 1 默写字母aa jj。2 默写五个元音字母。四 英汉短语互译。10分 在学校请原谅。11天在文具盒中。用英语middle scho...


小学六年级英语上学期期中调研测试。听力部分60分 一 listen and choose.下面五个小题中,每题有三个单词。仔细听录音,请把你所听单词选出来,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。每个单词读三遍。10分 north b.south c.bus stop b.straight.c.ship dr...