
发布 2024-02-17 03:05:11 阅读 2017


1.乘地铁2. go straight3. 看电影。

向左转5. in front of6.交通信号灯。

for __8. pen pal___


1.乘地铁2. go straight3. 看电影。

4. 向左转5. in front of6.交通信号灯。

for __8. pen pal___chinese food

10.放风筝11.练武术 cartoons

13. 弹琵琶14.唱英文歌___15.听**。

7.16. play the violin___emails___18. climb mountains___


1. far(反义词)__反义词同音词。




) going to the supermarket __his mother.

a: is; and b: can;with c: is;with

) must pay attention___the traffic lights!

a: on b: at c: to

) 3.__your mother go to work by car? a: does b: do c:can

) am going toa magazine.

a:look b:watch c:read

) right __the bus stop. a:at b: on c: in

) want __a new book. a: buy b:to buy c:buying

) go togethera: is b: we c: us

) am going to h**e __art lesson. a: a b: an c: the

) usually goes to school___

a: by a bike b: ride his bike c: take bus

) it farhere? a:from b: in front of c: form

) people in our club __different things.

a: teach b:teaches c:teacher

) 12. do you likeyes, i do.

a: danceb:dancing c:are dancing

) 13.__lily __in australia?

a:does, live b:do, lives c:does, lives

) she ismusic.

a: listening b: listening to c: listen to

) 15. is there a cinema near here?_-yes

a; there are b: there is c: there isn’t

) tom and bento school by bike?

a: goes b: going c: go

) are your

a: hobby b:hobbies c: names

) 18. i like playing the pipa and __emails.

a: writing b:write c: writes

) 19. her mothertv every evening.

a:watch b: watching c:watches

) 20. robin teaches studentsrobots.

a: to make b: make c: makes


studies , lives, join, share, hobby, hiking, idea, shall, pal, puzzles

1. tom, let’s go swimming._-good___

2. tomorrow is sundaywe go to the park?

3. this is my penxiao ning.

4. what is xiao zhi’ likes going

daughter likes doing word

is a student .shein shi yan middle school.

h**e a pen pal .shein beijing.

you like playing footballour football club.

you like reading ? i h**e great books. we can


1. going, the, i’m, weekend, to, on, zoo, the

2. are, going, what, do, the,weekend, you, to, on (

3. want, be, teacher, day, i, one, to, science, a (


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unit 4 i h e a pen pal part a let s learn 教材分析 本单元的话题是谈论笔友,用一般现在时来谈论笔友的业余爱好和生活学习情况。而本课主要学习有关业余爱好的英语表达,重点学习有关爱好的动词短语以及ing 形式 dancing singing,reading st...


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