
发布 2024-02-16 23:35:08 阅读 3444






a、me b、bedroom c、english d、blue


a、h**e b、plate c、name d、lake


a、home b、to c、not d、come

4、busa、much b、put c、push d、student

)4、bus ( 5、like

a、milk b、sit c、time d、sit


b__ ke l__brary tr__ n l__ft b__y pl__ se

f__ t ri__ t cinem__ wh__re st__p


small(反义词east (反义词) _


twelfth (基数词foot (复数) _

two (同音词girl (复数)__

is not (缩略形式right (对应词。

traffic (中文上学 (英译。


1、do you how go to school (

2、the cinema please where is

3、what you are buy going to (

4、 next to it is the hospital (

5、i’m going to my grandparents visit (


( )1、what are you going to do __weekend ?

a、a b、this c、these d 、those

) 2、go straight __five minutes.

a 、in b 、at c、 for d、 to

) 3、we are going to __tv together .

a 、look b、look at c 、watch d、see

---2 --共4页)

4、i’ts time __to school ?

a 、go to b、to going c 、to go d、for go

) 5、is it far from here?

a 、no, it’s not far . b、no,it’s. c 、yes, it’s. d、yes,i’m.


1、 wang li is short . 改为一般疑问句)

isshort ?

2、this pet shop is big . 改为否定句)


3、i go to school on foot. (对划线部分提问)

do you __to school?

4、is she a teacher ? 做肯定回答)

yes5、there is a hospital near here . 改为一般疑问句)

anear here ?


hello! my name is alice. there are seven people in

my family. my grandfather and grandmother are in am-

erica. my parents are english teachers in china. i h**e


two brothers. they are twins. we are students in

the same school. i am in grade one. they are

in grade three.

)1. there are people in alice’s family.

a. eight b. seven c. ten

( )2. here parents are china.

a. at b. on c. in

)3. there are children in her family.

a. seven b. three c. two

)4. they are in same school.

a. a b. an c. the

)5. her parents are .

a. doctors b. teachers

4 --共4页)


pep人教版小学英语六年级 上册 期中试卷。作者 王定照日期 2010年09月07日 字体 大中小 点数增加方法。一 照样子,把相对应的音标 单词和 连起来。15分,音标与单词连线10分,单词与 连线5分。pn ti fn vnm nt fan pin tea van nut thumb二 把单词和...


pep人教版小学六年级英语 上册 期末测试试卷。一 单词。填字母并写出其意思 20分 1.pl n 2.m g z ne 3.ctr ss 4.b kst re 5.s bw y 6.apo ur 7.c n ma 8.t m rr w 9.l br r 10.a str li 二 词组。把序号写在...


pep小学英语六年级下学期期末测试卷。一 词汇 10分 1 请选出各小题中不属于一类的词,并将字母标号填在括号 5分 1.a bike office 2.按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。5分 过去式过去式。反义词反义词。反义词比较级 复数形式8.发烧。9.看书10.乘火车。二 单项选择,请将正确选项字...