
发布 2024-02-16 12:50:03 阅读 2701




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fan pin tea van nut thumb二、把单词和相对应的**连线。(15分)

by bike)(by plane) (cinema) (hospital) (news*****)

三、抄写句子,注意大、小写形式及标点符号。(10分)1. how can i get to the post office?

2. you can go by the no.2 bus.

四、给句子划线部分选择正确的意思,填序号。(15分)1、i go to school by bus. (a、步行b、坐公共汽车2、stop at a red light .

a、红灯b、绿灯3、where is the library .


4、turn left at the cinema. (


5、i’m going to take a trip next week. (



)1、how do you go to school ?(2、where is the book store?()3、how can i get to the hospital?

()4、what are you going to do?()5、thank

a. it’s near the post i go to school by i’m going to the cinema.

d. you can go by the no.2 you are welcome.


)1、当你想向别人问路的时候,你应该先说,a. excuse me. b.

i’m sorry.()2、当你告诉别人向左拐时应说,a.turn left. straight.

()3、当你遇到绿灯时,应该a. gob. stop()4、远古时期人们用什么写字?

a. on bonesb. on computer()5、你要去美国,你选择的是a.

by busb. by ship七、阅读判断。(对的画√,错的画×。


my name’s john. tomorrow is weekend. we h**e no classes.

my parents are notgoing to work. my mother is going to buy something for next week. my father isgoing to visit my grandma.

i’m going to buy some comic book. tomorrow evening,we are going to the cinema.

) 1. we h**e no classes tomorrow.( 2. my mother is going to work.

) father is going to visit his grandma.( 4. john is going to school.

( 5. they are going to the cinema.


pep人教版小学六年级英语 上册 期末测试试卷。一 单词。填字母并写出其意思 20分 n 2.m g z ne 3.ctr ss 4.b kst re 5.s bw y 6.apo ur 7.c n ma 8.t m rr w 9.l br r 10.a str li 二 词组。把序号写在...


小学英语六年级上册。单元词汇表。unit 1 carefully仔细地认真地。ask问询问。question问题 actively积极地活泼地。don t do not make做制作。noise声音噪音。eat 吃。should应该。shouldn t should not go 去。early ...


unit 4 i h e a pen pal part a let s learn 教材分析 本单元的话题是谈论笔友,用一般现在时来谈论笔友的业余爱好和生活学习情况。而本课主要学习有关业余爱好的英语表达,重点学习有关爱好的动词短语以及ing 形式 dancing singing,reading st...