
发布 2024-02-16 12:50:03 阅读 6167


1. 当你想知道别人能看见几辆车时,应该问:

a. how much is the car?

b. how many cars can you see?

c. i can see five cars.

2. 当你想知道别人会不会骑自行车时,应该问:

a. can you make a bike?

b. can you ride a bike?

c. can you riding a bike?

3. 当你想知道钢笔放哪儿时,应该问:

a. where is the eraser?

b. where is the pen?

c. where is it from?

4. 当你想知道物品的颜色时,应该问:

a. what is this

b. what's that

c. what colour is it?

5. 当别人夸你的自行车漂亮时,你应该说:

a. don't say that

b. thank you

c. oh, no.

6. 询问病情,应该说:

a. how do you do

b. what's the matter with you?

c. how about you?

7. 别人来你的学校参观,你表示欢迎,应该说:

a. welcome to our schoolb. welcome back to school.

c. this is our school.

8. 问路,应该说:

a. how can i get to the bus stop?

b. do you know it?

c. how can you tell me the way?

9. 别人向你问路,你不知道,应该说:

a. it's over there, i think.

b. go and ask the policeman.

c. sorry, i don't know.

10. 问某段时间通常做什么事情,应该说:

a. what do you usually do?

b. what are you doing?

c. what are you going to do?

11. 对别人说,你也有一本书:

a. you h**e a book, too.

b. i h**e a book, too.

c. we h**e a book, too.

12. 夸奖别人的衣服漂亮时,应该说:

a. good!

b. fine.

c. how nice!

13. 问别人从**来,应该说:

a. what's your name?

b. where are you from?

c. what do you do?

14. 打搅别人时,应该说:

a. glad to meet you.

b. excuse me.

c. hello!

15. 放学了,应该说:

a. hello, mr zhang.

b. goodbye, mr zhang.

c. here you are.

16. 如果你不会用英语说某物,你可以这样问老师:

a. do you know english?

b. what's this in english?

c. can you spell it?

17. 你的好朋友ann今天过生日,你应该对她说:

a. happy new year.

b. happy birthday.

c. you are a beautiful girl.

18. 上英语课时,老师叫明明回答问题,明明回答得非常正确,老师应该说:

a. very good

b. you're wrong.

c. stand up, please.

19. 晚上睡觉前,你应该对爸爸妈妈说:

a. good evening.

b. good night

c. bye-bye!

20. 教师节那天,你看到老师应该说:

a. good teachers' day!

b. nice to meet you!

c. happy teachers' day!

21. 当你没听清对方的话,想对方重复一遍时,应该说:

a. great

b. really?

c. pardon?

22. 当你的好朋友总是运气不佳时,你应该说:

a. enjoy yourself!

b. h**e a good time.

c. good luck!

23. -what's your job?

a. i'm thirteen.

b. i like singing.

c. i'm a singer.

24. -what's the weather like today?

a. it's a nice day.

b. don't forget your raincoat.

c. it's monday.

i like music.

a. what do you do?

b. can i help you?

c. what's your hobby?

26. -how do you do?

a. how do you do?

b. how do you do, too?

c. how old are you?

27. -your dress is very beautiful.


一 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。每题0.5分,共5分 复数复数。同音词第三人称单数。同义词对应词。过去式同音词。形容词动名词。二 翻译短语。每题0.5分,共5分 1.当然可以。2.八千万人。3.许多中国的商店和饭馆。4.一些来自中国的玩具娃娃。5.元宵节。6.用英语写电子邮件和故事。7.中国历史。...


满分100分,60分钟完卷。听力部分 20分 i.听录音,把人物与其所在国家的国旗搭配起来。5分 a bc de 1.mary 2.sam 3.lin feng 4.bill 5.jim ii.听录音,选择正确答案。5分 1.a.yes,she isb.no,she isn t.c.i don t ...


六年级英语竞赛试题。姓名班级。语音 共10小题,每小题1分,计10分 a 下列单词拼写均不完整,请从a b c d中选择适当的字母或字母组合使之完整 正确。y ning th e b 根据音标,填写单词,使句子意思完整。h e a sist her name is joan.igli teacher...