
发布 2020-07-09 09:55:28 阅读 2212


一、 听录音,给下列**排序。(5分)abcde


) 1. a. it comes from the river.

b. it comes from the vapour.

c. it comes from the clouds.

) 2. a. she’s a writer. b. he’s a actor . c. he’s a cleaner.

) 3. a. yes, you can. b. no, i can’t. c. no, you can’t.

) 4. a. no, she doesn’t. b. yes, she does. c. no, he doesn’t

) no, you must stop at a red light.

b. no, you must wait at a green light.

c. no, you can go at a red light.

)6. a. you can take the no.11 bus.

b. you can go to the zoo.

c. i can go by the no. 11 bus to the zoo.

) 7. a. i am going to a trip

b. i am going to h**e a trip.

c. i am h**ing a trip.

) 8. a. happy birthday. b. thank you. c. no, i don’t.

)9. a. dig the soil. b. water it. c. wait for it to grow.

) 10. a. he often reads magazines.

b. he often read magazines.

c. he often reading magazines.


)1. today is peter’s birthday.

)2. peter, gao wei and kate come to lisa’s home.

)3. first, they cut the birthday cake.

)4. lisa blows out the candles.

) h**e a good time.


一. 从下列每组单词中选出与其他单词不同类的一项。(共5分)

)1.a subway b england c australia

)2. a museum b supermarket c minute

)3. a magazine b dictionary c drop

)4. a watch b excited c read

)5. a company b factory c tourist

二. 单项选择(共10分)

)1. i’m reading __e-mail from sister is playing___piano

a. a,an b. an,a c. an,the

)2. i like __a song .

a. sing b. to sing. c. singing

)3. i can __to your pen friend.

a. write b. to write c. writing.

)4.--thank you for your pencil

a thank you b you’re welcome c of course

)5. there a lot of people in the park now.

a. are b. isc. h**e

)6. we in the school every day.

a. study b. studied c. studies

( )skirt is red. what yours?

a is b about c does

( )8.—do you h**e any hobbies?--

a hobby is play football b like playing football c likes playing football

( )9. the traffic lights turn red, you must stop.

a which b when c what

)10. where are you going this afternoon?

a. next to the shoe store.

b. i’m going to the bookstore.

c. he is going to visit grandparents.


1. what are you __do)?

2. zhangxia (like) (read)books very much. she often (read) books in the (not watch)tv on weekends.

3. mr wang (teach)us english this term.

(go)to the science bookstore this afernoon! i want

(buy) a new book.

(goes) to the

6. (be)your parents at home?


1.he goes to work by bus. (对划线部分提问)

he to work?

2. my uncle is a chinese teacher. (对划线部分提问)

your uncle ?

3. the bank is next to the post office. (对划线部分提问)

the post office?

going to visit her parents. (对划线部分提问)

shefriend lives in shanghai .(改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)

friend in shanghai? ,she .

li works in a car factory. (对划线部分提问)

in a car factory?

boy, like(连词组句2分)



to plant flower seedswe first?



your mother do? -a teacher.

-- she english?—no,she


---your grandpa’s ? he


to the bookstore? -this afternoon.


the cinema,then go straight.


2016年小学学科竞赛。注意事项 1 本试题全卷100分,另加卷面分5分。答题时限60分钟。2 答卷前填写好装订线内的各项。1 判断下列每组单词划线部分有几种发音。10分 a.1种 b.2种 c.3种 d.4种 1 a meatb greatc headd theatre 2 a whob wome...


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