
发布 2020-07-25 06:28:28 阅读 8031


姓名分数 一、词趣俱乐部(共15分)


) b. lakec. sund. sea

) b. engineer c. factory d. bank

) b. when c. then d. what

) right b. go straight c. plane d. turn left

) b. writerc. policeman d. salesman




1、my parentsbe) going to visit my aunt.

2、wheredo) the cloud come from?

3、mary likes___draw) pictures.

4、let me___tell) you how to come.

5、therebe) a kite show on saturday.


)1、i write a letter __marry every week..

a. for b. from c. on d. to

) 2、he goes home __5:00.

a. in b. at c. of d. on

) 3、what __your hobby?.

a. am b. is c. are d. be

) 4、i___h**e a sister or brother.

a. don’t b. no c. doesn’t d. isn’t

)5、how___he go to the park?

a. doing b. do c. does d. to do

)6、she oftenher mother wash dishes.

a. help b. helping c. helps d. to help

)7、please come to mybirthday party this morning.

a. ten b. twenty c. tenth d. twelve

)8、i’m going toan english book.

a. buy b. buying c. buy to d. buys

)9、 are youactor?

a. a b. the c. an d. /

)10、it’s aday

a. rain b. snow c. wind

三、短语集锦 (共20分)


1、种花籽6、live in the country

2、写一封电子邮件7、dig the soil

3、拉小提琴8、wake up

4、教数学9、a stamp show

5、交通规则10、in our garden


1、he goes to schooleveryday .(乘地铁)

2直走) for five minutes .then turn left.

3 my father often看报) in the evening.

4 i like做风筝)。

5 let’s一起去)after lunch.


一)、读句子,判断下列句子与**是否相符,相符的打 “√不符的打 “×5分)。

)1. the girl is playing the guitar.

)2. she is going to sanya by plane.

)3. they always go to the cinema on sundays.

)4. the traffic lights are the same in every country.

)5. my father is a policeman .


1 .does , father, where, work, your (?

draw i to in am renmin park pictures going (.

3. get, the, can, i, to, hospital, how (

4. must, i, pay, attention, the, to, lights, traffic (

5、 works, a, my, university, aunt, in (.连词成句。


) 1. how can i get to the post officea. i’m going to visit my uncle.

) 2. is it far from our schoolb. she is going there on the weekend.

) 3. what are you going to do this afternoon? c. you can take the no.2 bus.

)4. when is she going to beijingd. yes, he does..

) he like drawing picturese. no, it is not far..



a french student goes to london for his holiday. he knows a little english, but he can't speak very well

one day he goes to a restaurant. he wants to some eggs, but he can't remember the english word for “egg” .he looks around and sees a picture of a hen.

he shows the picture to the waiter. “what do you call her children?” he asks.

chicks, sir.”

and what do you call chicks before they're born?”


小学英语2011 2012学年度第一学期六年级智力抽测试题。学校姓名指导教师 一 词趣俱乐部 共25分 一 选出不同类的单词。b.lakec.sund.sea 小学英语2011 2012学年度第一学期六年级智力抽测试题。学校姓名指导教师 一 词趣俱乐部 共25分 一 选出不同类的单词。b.lakec...


听力部分 20分 一 听录音,给下列 排序。5分 abcde 二。根据听到的问题,选出最合适的答语,将其编号填在题前的括号里。10 1.a.it comes from the river.b.it comes from the vapour.c.it comes from the clouds.2....


2016年小学学科竞赛。注意事项 1 本试题全卷100分,另加卷面分5分。答题时限60分钟。2 答卷前填写好装订线内的各项。1 判断下列每组单词划线部分有几种发音。10分 a.1种 b.2种 c.3种 d.4种 1 a meatb greatc headd theatre 2 a whob wome...