
发布 2020-07-09 10:27:28 阅读 6771


一) 选出下面每组单词中画线字母的读音与其他不同的一项。

) cnice








1、my friend sometimes___watch) tv in the morning.

2、i’mgo) to play the computer games this afternoon.

3、what___be) you going to do?

4、mary___h**e)a pen pal.

5、what’she) f**ourite food?


)1、tell me somethingyour family.

b. about c. of d. to

)2、my sister likespictures.

b. draws c. drawing d. to draw

)3、there are many___

a. butterfly b. butterflies c. butterflys d. a butterfly

)4、 she is an___

a. singer b. doctor c. actor

)5、i’m going to buy___shoes.

b. an c. a pair of pair

)6、are you going to beijingthe national holiday?

b. onc.

)7he to work by bus?

yes,he does.

go b. does,goes c. is,going

)8、the man teachesenglish.

)9、helen’s motheryoung in the photo.

)10hobby is collecting le**es.


1、heat 10 in the evening..(**睡觉)

2、does he教英语)

3 i like骑自行车)

4 they are going tonext week.(去旅行)

5 i’m going tothis evening.(拉小提琴)



1、what are you going to be ? 根据实际情况回答)

2、他在哪儿上班? (汉译英)

3、next, to, it, the, is, post, office (连词成句)

4、i want to be a teacher. (改为一般疑问句)

5、we look the same,but we don’t like the same things. (英译汉)


)1、is the hospital far from going at 2 o’clock

)2、when are you near.

)3、what do you get there by subway.

( )4、can i go by a doctor.

( )5、how do you get



hello! i’m liu ying. i’m going to h**e a busy weekend.

on saturday morning,i’m going to the renmin park with my sister liu hong by bike. in the afternoon, we are going to visit my grandparents. in the evening,i’m going to visit my aunt with my mother.

on sunday morning,i’m going to the bookstore with my good friend tom. and i’m going to buy some storybooks. after lunch,i’m going to play sports with amy.

in the evening,i’m going to watch tv and clean my happy i am!

) 1. liu ying is going to the renmin park by bus.

) 2. liu ying is going to visit her aunt with her sister.

) 3. liu ying is going to the bookstore with tom.

) is going to play sports with liu hong.

) 5. liu ying is going to clean her room in the evening.

二) 从方框中选择正确的句子补全对话。


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