小学六年级英语下册总复习 版

发布 2024-02-16 23:30:08 阅读 6176


book 6b unit 1 how tall are you?

一、 词汇 tall --taller 高的---更高的than 比。

short --shorter 矮的/短的---更矮的/更短的cm 厘米。

long --longer 长的---更长的meter 米。

形容词 strong---stronger 强壮的---更强壮的ton 吨。

adjold --older 老的/旧的---更老的/更旧的size 号码。

young---younger 年轻的---更年轻的feet 脚。

small---smaller 小的---更小的think 想。

wear 穿。

辅+元+辅 --双写最后一个辅音字母+erothers even 甚至。

big---bigger 大的---更大的tail 尾巴。

thin---thinner 瘦的---更瘦的little 小的。

fat---fatter 胖的---更胖的lobster 龙虾。

shark 鲨鱼。

辅音字母+y --改y为i +erdeep 深的。

happy---happier 开心的---更开心的seal 海豹。

he**y---he**ier 重的---更重的squid 鱿鱼

funny---funnier 滑稽的---更滑稽的sperm whale抹香鲸。

killer whale虎鲸。


⑴ 问年龄,身高,体重等。

how old are youhow tall are youhow he**y are you?

i’myears oldi’m __cm talli’m __kg .


how large is your room? 你的房间有多大?

it’sm2 (square meters.) 有___平方米。

2 how long is your bed? 你的床有多长?

it’scm long. 有___厘米长。

3 how big are your feet? 你的脚有多长?

i wear size我穿___码的鞋。

⑶ 形容谁比谁更… …

ambe is ( even/much ) er than …

arei am taller than you. 我比你高。

i am 4 cm taller than your brother. 我比你弟弟高4cm .

i am taller and stronger than your brother.我比你的弟弟更高更壮。

jack is even stronger than his father. jack 甚至比他爸爸还壮。

zhang peng and john are much younger than

张鹏和john 比mr. green 要年轻多了。


1. which monkey do you like? 你喜欢哪一只猴子?

i like the yellow one. 我喜欢黄色的那只。

2. i think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall. 我想那只小猴只有40cm 高。

3. its tail is about 38 cm long. 它的尾巴约有38cm.

4. a sperm whale isthan a killer whale in its length.

exercise for unit 1

一、 写出下列各句中的形容词的对应词。

1. i don’t like the smaller dog. i like theone.

2. jack and john are twin brothers(孪生兄弟),but they are very different: jack is tall and strong, but john isand

3. my older brother is even ythan you.

4. yesterday i was happy. but today i am much


1. w___elephant do you like ? i like the baby elephant.

2. w___is taller than you in your class. chen ming is.

3. i tyou can go back home now.

4. a sperm whale h___50 teeth. and itail is usually 8 meters long.

5. a killer whale can jout of water.


1. how old are you?

2. how tall are you ?

3. how he**y are you ?

4. how he**y are you?

5. how many students are there in your class?

6. how much is your english book?


1、 are, you, than, shorter, me.

2、you’re, than, me, 4cm, taller.


英语六年级复习 一 代词 pron.一 翻译成英语 1 我是2.我父母3.跟我来。4 你可以5.你的 号码。6.谢谢你7.他有8.他的姓氏。9.听他说10.她喜欢它11.她全家照。12.帮助她13.它吃14.它名字。15.看见它16.我们想要。17.我们最喜爱的水果18.加入我们 19.他们唱歌20...


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