
发布 2020-03-28 10:57:28 阅读 7191

英语六年级复习 (一)

代词 (pron.)

(一) 翻译成英语:

1.我是2.我父母3. 跟我来。


6. 谢谢你7. 他有8.他的姓氏。

9. 听他说10. 她喜欢它11.她全家照。

12.帮助她13. 它吃14.它名字。



19. 他们唱歌20.他们旧电脑21.画出它们。

二) 选词填空:

1. what’sname? (you / yourname is bob. (my / i / me)

2erasers are in __drawer. (her / she / her / she)

3. canyou / your ) doyou / your ) homework?

4is a catname is mimi. (it / its / it / its )

5brother can speak japanese. (he’s / his / he )

6. please takekeys to schoolare on the table.

they / their / them / they / their / them )

7is thirteen years oldbirthday is march 1st. (he / his / him)

8f**orite vegetable is tomato. (her / she / her / she)

9. can you helpwe / us / our) please take __to school. (they / their / them)

10can’t seebaseball. it’s behindmy / i / me / my )


1. a: what’s this / that ? bis a dresser.

a: how do you spellplease ? b: d-r-e-s-s-e-r.

2. a: what are these / those ? bare tomatoes.

3. a: does cindy like salad? b: nodoesn’t.

4. a: how much are his shoes? bare 100 dollars.

5. a: is alan your friend? b: yesis.

6. a: do you h**e a soccer ball? b: yesdo.

7. a: who is that girl? bis jack’s sister.’

8. this is d**id and this is timare our friends. we often help

9. those are strawberries. sally likes

10. the pants are nice. i’ll take

英语六年级复习 (二)

冠词。1. 种类:(1)不定冠词:a / an a unit / an uncle

元音开头的可数名词前用an :

an egg / an apple / an orange / an eraser / an answer / an id card / an alarm clock /

an actor / an actress / an e-mail / an address / an event / an example / an opera / an hour

an old man / an interesting book / an exciting sport / an action movie / an art lesson /

2)定冠词:the the egg the plane

2. 用法:


1)特指某(些)人或某(些)物: the ruler is on the desk.

2)复述上文提到的人或物:he has a sweater. the sweater is new.

3)谈话双方都知道的人或物:the boys aren’t at school.

4)在序数词前: john’s birthday is february the second.

5)用于固定词组中: in the morning / afternoon / evening


1)专有名词前:china is a big country.

2)名词前有定语:this , that , my , your , some, any , no 等:

this is my baseball.

3)复数名词表示一类人和事:monkeys can’t swim. they are teachers.

4)在节日,日期,月份,季节前:today is christmas day. it’s sunday.

5)一日三餐前:we h**e breakfast at 6:30.

6)球类棋类运动前:they often play football after class. he plays chess at home.

* 但乐器前要用定冠词:i play the guitar very well.


一. 填空:(在有必要的地方填上冠词,不填的划 “/

1. what’s this? it’s __clock.

2. what’s that? it’s __alarm clock.

3. what is it? it’s __w.

4. what color is the jacket? it’s __orange. it’s __orange jacket.

5. jim’s mother is __mrs green. she is __teacher.

6. those pens are in __pencil case.

7. here’s __interetsing family photo.

8. when does lily go to __bed in __evening?

9. _ho” and __w” are in the word “how”.

10. this is __my english book.

11. where is __bag? it’s under __table.

12. i often go to __school at __7:00.

13. take __things to __your brother.

14. they like playing __football. my f**orite subject is __

15. do you h**e __pingpong bat? yes, i do.

16. do you want to see __action movie? no, i want to play __chess.

17. when’s his sister’s birthday? it’s __april __eleventh.

18. does bill like __hamburgers? no, he doesn’t.

19. a: let’s play __soccer. b: i don’t h**e __soccer ball.

a: well, let’s play __drums. b: that sounds good.

20. how much are __two hats? they are 10 dollars.


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