
发布 2020-03-28 10:59:28 阅读 5951

















二、read and choose


a: hello, 22350332please?

b: speaking

a: hi, liu yun. this is jack

b: i am watching the animal world on tv. it’s so excited.

ab: i see a tiger and a lion. they are fighting.

a: wow! that sounds interesting

b: i am going to the xiangshi zoo in the afternoon

a: sure, i like animals. let’s go together. see you later.

b: good bye, ,

三、read and choose(阅读理解,每小题1.5分,共15分)


mrs. jones is an american doctor. she is now in china.

she works in a children's hospital in shanghai. she likes the children and she likes to work for children. she works hard in the day time and learns chinese in the evening school.

she also learns chinese from the chinese doctors and her chinese friends. now she can speak some chinese. she can read and write some chinese, too.

she says it's not easy to learn chinese well. mr. jones, her husband(丈夫)is a teacher .

he teaches english in the no.5 middle school. he works from monday to friday.

he teaches 3 classes every day.

)1、mrs. jones works in

a. america b. england c. china

)2、mrs. jones learns chinese in

a. a hospital evening schoolc. a library

)3、mrs. jones learns chinese from

a. the chinese doctors and her chinese friends

b. her studentsc. her patients (病人)

)4、mr. jones is

a. in a hospital b. in a middle school c. in a library

)5、mr. jones worksevery week.

a. five days b. six days c. three days

b同学们,你有说过谎吗?下面这个故事会告诉你,为什么我们不要说谎。请读故事判断对错,对的在括号内写“t”,错的写“f” (每小题1.5分,共7.5分)

once upon a time, there was a boy. he looked after sheep. the boy was bored.

he ran to the village. he shouted, “wolf(狼), wolf!”

everyone ran to the field. there was no wolf. the boy laughed.

the next day, the boy ran to the village again. “wolf, wolf,”he shouted. the people ran to the field.

there was no wolf. the people were angry.

but then one day, a wolf came to the field . the boy ran to the village. but the people didn’t run to the field.

they said, “don’t tell lies(谎言)!”

the wolf killed many sheep.

)1. the boy looked after sheep.

)2. the boy ran to the village and tell lies, because he is bored.

)3. the boy shouted“wolf, wolf”at the first time, the wolf came.

)4. the people run to the field when the wolf really came.

)5. the wolf killed many sheep, the boy laughed.

四、read and fill


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